Chapter 12 - Tour

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"Jen wake up! Wake up or else we will leave you here in Britain!" I heard Jill scream. Suddenly I felt freezing cold water being poured on me. I jump out of bed and I see a grinning Jill. "You better run." I growled at her. Her face dropped and away she ran.

I chased her down the stairs and I nearly slid since I was soaked. "Age!! Help! I woke up the beast!!" Jill screamed. "What are you talking about?" Age asked in a groggy voice. Then she saw me chasing Jill and she grabbed me before I could get to Jill. "Why are you all wet?" Age asked me. "Someone decided to pour a bucket of cold water all over me." I growled. Age looked at Jill then back to me. "Jill you better run." Age told her while she let me go. I ran after her and tackled her.

"The next time you want to wake me up DON'T use freezing water k?" I told her. She nodded her head and I got off of her. "The boys will be here soon so go get ready." Age told me. I nodded and ran upstairs.

I took a shower and then blow dried my hair. I finished my hair and makeup. I grab my suitcase and go downstairs to be met by a pair of blue eyes. "Hey babe." Louis said and then kissed me. "I don't mean to break you two up but we got a plane to catch." Liam told us and we both pulled apart from each other.

Louis grabbed my bag and put it in the van. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the van. Eventually everyone got in and away we went. "We should play a game." Harry said. "Like what?" Age asked. "Truth or dare?" Zayn suggested and we all agreed.

"I'll go first." Zayn said and we all nodded our heads. "Ok, Niall truth or dare?" Zayn asked. "Truth." Niall answered. "How is your relationship going?" Zayn asked him. "My relationship couldn't be more perfect." Niall said. Everyone said "Aww." and Niall and Age blushed. "Ok, Jen truth or dare." Niall asked me. Crap, I never know what to pick in truth or dare. I took a risk and answered "Dare." Niall's face grew a big grin. "I dare you to kiss Zayn." My face dropped. I felt Louis tense around me. Zayn looked at me then at the floor. "I don't think I should, I mean we are both dating someone." I told Niall. After I said that I felt Louis relax a little. "Jen it's just a dare, it isn't like it will matter." Harry told me. I signed and just nodded my head.

I looked at Zayn and gave him a slight smile. I slowly leaned in until our lips touched. The kiss felt nothing like when Louis kissed me. When Louis kissed me I felt sparks and fireworks and butterflies. When Zayn kissed me I felt the awkwardness and nervousness. I pulled back and looked at everyone else. It looked like no one paid attention except Louis. I slid back over to Louis and I felt him try to back away from me. I looked at him but he just looked away from me. I felt so unloved so empty. I felt like he didn't love me and that he didn't want me anymore. I turned and looked at everyone else and we started to play again.

After what seemed like forever we finally got to the airport. On the plane I sat in between Louis and Liam. I felt like Louis was avoiding me. When ever I would try to hold his hand he would move it. I felt so alone and I couldn't say anything because he fell asleep.

I looked over at Liam and sighed. Liam turned and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Jen? What's wrong love?" Liam asked me. I looked up at him and I felt a single tear run down my cheek. "I think Louis is avoiding me." I whisper and look down. "I think Louis is just tired right now, why don't you take a nap too?" Liam suggested I nodded my head and fell asleep.


I wake up and see I'm in a room with bunk beds, I think. I got out of the bed and walk out of the room. "She's alive!" Age screamed. I smiled and waved. "You took a nap on the plane and when we landed we tried to wake you up, but that didn't work." Niall said. "So we had to carry you out of the airport and to the tour bus." Harry stated. "When he says we, he means me." Louis tells me. I smile and walk up to him. "Thank you and sorry if I was a pain." I told him in his ear. He fakes a smile and walks away to the couch.

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