Chapter 20

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Jenn's POV ~

Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I gonna do? I can't believe she just hopped right into the car like come on I thought she was a little smarter than that! Crap I almost forgot I gotta tell everyone!

I ran back inside the restaurant and crashed into a waiter causing him to drop all of the food he was carrying on me. "Shit sorry." I picked some spaghetti off my shirt.
"Needs salt." I then ran to our table. "What the hell happened to you?" Louis asked me.
"No." wheezes "Time." wheezes "Have to." wheezes "Save Jill." I finally got out. Damn I need to run more I am way out of shape. "What do you mean save her? What happened?!" Harry of course asked. "She got in the car with that waiter David guy. I have no clue what the hell she's thinking but all I know is he looked like he was going to eat her." Harry was pissed. Beyond pissed he was fuming.

"Where are they?!" Harry asked through gritted teeth. "I don't know he drove off!" I yelled. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Knowing it was Louis I embraced it and snuggled into his chest. "It's alright, we're going to find her. It's a good thing you saw them leave." Louis comforted me and kissed my forehead. I smiled at the action but then remembered about Jill.

"Wait! Jenn we got Jill that tracker app remember?!" Age asked me. "Oh yeah!" The guys looked at us like we were psychos. "She has a bad habit of wandering when she's upset and she kinda sleep walks." I chuckled. "What are we waiting for look up her coordinates let's go!" Harry screamed at us.

Alright I get that Harry is concerned and everything but he needs to take a chill pill. Age looked up where Jill was and we got an address. "Alright let's go!" Liam yelled. Of course daddy Liam telling us what to do. 😏😏

We all squeezed into one car which I did not understand at all. Age was driving which might not have been a smart idea. We slowly pulled up to a apartment complex. "Are you sure this is the right place? This place looks really sketchy." Zayn said. I had to agree this place was giving me the creeps. I shivered and Louis wrapped an arm around me protectively. I smiled up at him and he gave me a quick peck on the lips. God I can get used to him kissing me. Shit. Jill. Stolen. Pervert. Right Jenn remember come on.

"What are we waiting for? An invitation? Let's go!" Harry screamed. If this kid doesn't chill his shit I swear.

We all got out of the car and had Age lead us. Suddenly she stopped in front of apartment 6B. "It says she's in here, I think." Age told us. "Well then let's break down the door come on he could be raping her or something!" Harry screamed. "Harry! I get it you care about her but I need you to shut up and be quiet! For fucks sake!" I yelled. He glared at me but he stayed quiet.

Niall tried opening the door but it was locked, of course why would it be open and make this situation easier? That'd just be ridiculous. "I got this I said." I pulled out a bobby pin from my hair and started to pick the lock. "Are you sure you know what your doing babe?" Louis asked me. I chuckled and looked up at him. "It upsets me that you have doubt in my skills." I said and winked. He blushed and looked away. *CLICK*
The door unlocked and I smiled. I glanced back at everyone and gave them a nod.

I turned the knob and opened the door quietly to make sure it didn't squeak or anything. I looked around the room and then gasped.


Hey. Hi. How are you? Cliffhanger kinda eh not really. Well the picture on the side/ top (if your reading on your phone or mobile device) is who I imagine David to look like.

I hope you guys or if anyone is even reading this likes this. Love you all (if someone is there)

Moments (One Direction Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora