Chapter 10 - Dinner Then Back to Louis' Flat

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Everyone was at Louis' house around 7 and we were deciding where to go. "Nandos!" Niall suggested. We all shook our head no and he pouted. Age then stole a kiss and he went back to smiling. "How about we go to an actual restaurant?" Liam asked. We all nodded our heads and agreed. Jill mentioned a nice Italian restaurant so we went there.


After we ordered our food we all started to chat about random things. Louis cleared his throat and everyone's attention was on him. "So everyone knows how we are going on tour soon right?" Everyone nodded there head. "I asked management if we could have Jen, Jill and Age join us and they said yes!!" Louis told us with joy. Everyone was so happy and we couldn't wait. "Hold on when are we leaving?" Jill asked. "In a week." Harry told her. "Perfect, now I have time to go shopping before the tour!" Age squealed.

I don't know about Age or Jill but I am really excited for the tour. Three months with my amazing boyfriend sounds well amazing. I can't wait to tour through America. I've only been to 6 out of the 50 States in America. Sad I know. I can't wait for this tour to begin. I looked around and I saw joy on everyone's face but Jill's. I mouthed 'What's wrong' and Jill shook and her head and mouthed 'I'll explain later.' I nodded and then the food arrived.

We all talked about random things for the rest of the night. I kept thinking about the tour though. I was so deep in thought I didn't even feel Louis' hand running up and down my thigh. I looked up and I saw a grinning Louis. I leaned closer to him and and whispered in his ear that was away from everyone else "I don't know what to do with you Tommo." I pulled my head back to see his reaction. He chuckled and leaned closer to me. He kissed my cheek and I blushed. "Can you come over please?" he begged in my ear. I kissed his lips and felt him smile because he knew I was coming over.

"Ugh can you guys please do this somewhere else?" Zayn groaned. "Yea no snogging at the dinner table." Liam told us. Louis and I both pouted until Jill said "You guys have so much time to do that, don't do it here." Harry grinned at her and asked cheekily "So do you have enough time to do that too?" You could tell Jill was not expecting that just by the look on her face. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Yea I do have enough time, just not for you." she told him. Everyone at the table were all like "Ohhh" and "Man you just got burned." and the classic "You better get some ice for that burn." Jill chuckled and Harry frowned.

Eventually the dinner ended and we all had a good time. We were all walking to our cars and saying good byes. "Jen aren't you coming to back to our flat?" asked Age. I shook my head no and I was about to answer when Louis lifted me and screamed "No she is coming home with me tonight! I am capturing her! Muahaha!" Age only nodded her head and mouthed 'Use protection.' and winked. My jaw dropped I can't believe she just said that! Well mouthed that, what ever.

Louis carried me to his car and put me in the passenger seat. He got in the car and away we went.

I couldn't help but stare at Louis. He was so breathe taking, that's why I'm a Louie girl! I couldn't help but stare at his muscles. Those arms, his hair, his beautiful blue eyes, and oh my god those lips! Ugh! I saw Louis looking at me from the corner of his eye so I turned away and looked out the window. He didn't see me, yes haha, god I am such a child. I grinned like an idiot thinking oh I could spy on him all the time and he will never know. "Don't think that I didn't notice you staring at me Jen." stated Louis. Crap, how did he know? I blushed but then I tried to play it cool. "Jen I know you were staring no need to be embarrassed." he said. "I wasn't staring, maybe looking but not staring." I told him. He smirked at me but then his eyes went back to the road. Louis' flat slowly came into view.

Louis opened my door and we walked up to his flat. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and I leaned back into him. He kissed me on the cheek and I smiled. "Did I tell you how beautiful you looked this evening?" he said while kissing down my neck. I turned around and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"You." I said while poking his chest. "Are too amazing." I told him. He smiled and he slowly leaned in. He brushed some hair out of my face and gently pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was sweet and passionate.

I've heard people say when you kiss someone it should always feel like the first time you kissed. Full of passion and maybe even love. People say that you might feel fireworks like they show in movies. But when you don't feel the fireworks anymore is when they say its time to move on.

When ever I kiss Louis I feel those fireworks. I feel the electricity between us when ever we touch. It's so amazing how he has pulled me out of my shell. I may not seem so shy but on the inside I am. I'm glad that we went to that concert because if we didn't then I wouldn't be here kissing Louis right now. Louis makes me feel those butterflies in your tummy when you're nervous. He makes me feel happy and I love him. I think I truly do. I know if I told someone this they would just shake their heads because we only met three days ago. But I don't care because I love him but I won't say it. That's just me, I'm too shy.

I pulled back from his lips and smiled. "I'm never going to get used to that." Louis told me. I scrunched up my face in confusion. "Used to what?" I asked him. "Being so lucky to have you with me." he answered. I was too happy at that moment. He is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I have to show him how much he means to me.

I led him to the couch and pushed him down. I straddled him and bent down so my face was only inches away from him. He put his hands on my hips and watched me intently. I brushed my lips against his for a second then pulled them back. "You don't understand how much you mean to me." I start. "You are so amazing and you bring out the real me. I want to show you how much I truly appreciate everything you do for me." I say.

He looks at me and his eyes start to sparkle. "Your eyes, their sparkling." I tell him. He smiles and nods "Good they should be, they do that when I am truly happy." he told me. I smiled and leaned down until I was only centimeters away from his face. I stayed like this and just admired his eyes. He finally moved and placed his lips on mine. We slowly kissed and our lips moved perfect together. He deepened the kiss and I smiled. Our tongues danced together to the imaginary music. The kiss was slow but filled with emotions.

We both pulled back and caught our breath. I spilled my emotions if how I feel about him into that kiss and he did the same. I think he felt the same. I just stared at his face looking for emotion, anything. "Please say something Lou." I begged. I looked away and got off of Louis and sat next to him. He wasn't saying anything, did I say all that for nothing? Does he not care about me like I think he does? I knew it I'm not good enough and I never will be. "I knew it." I muttered to myself. "Knew what?" he asked. I thought I just said it to myself, guess not.

I looked in him in the eyes and said "I'm not good enough for you." His face dropped. I'm guessing he wasn't expecting that. "What did you just say?" Louis asked me. "I said I'm not good enough for you." Louis cupped my cheeks and looked me in the eyes. "You are perfect, do you hear me? Perfect, I wouldn't change anything about you. You are perfect for me, you and I were meant to be ok? I don't want you to ever doubt your self again ok?" He asked. I nodded my head but I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. "Babe don't cry, I hate it when you cry." Louis told me while kissing away my tears. "Louis I'm crying because I'm happy. I won't doubt myself again, I promise." I told him. He grabbed me into a tight embrace and I couldn't help but smile.

We watched the Titanic and we both cried when Rose had to let go of Jack. Louis hugged me real tight. "I'll never let go." he whispered in my ear and I gave him a peck on the lips. The rest of night consisted of cuddling and kissing. Louis wrapped his arms around my waist "Good night love." he told me and gave me a kiss good night. "Good night Louis." and I gave him a kiss good night. I eventually fell into a deep peaceful sleep with Louis' arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe.


That took me forever to write. I think that chapter was kinda long, but that could also be because I'm on my phone . . . . oh well. I hope you are enjoying the book! I know I enjoy writing it! Well lots of love!!


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