Chapter 16 - Blame It On the Alcohol?

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Jen's POV ~

"Here princess, drink this." Louis handed me a glass of water. Man did my head hurt. Why did I get drunk? Note to self never drink again.

Suddenly Jill barged through the door crying and ran straight to the bunks. "Louis? Did u see her too?" I asked him just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. "Yea I saw her let me go check on her." he said. He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead and went to see Jill.

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I heard Jill tell Louis. "Jill what's wrong what happened?" Louis asked her. "GET THE FUCK OUT I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE RIGHT NOW!" Jill screamed. "Alright I'll leave, when you want to talk to anyone just let us know." Louis told her calmly.

"So I'm guessing she isn't good?" I asked him. He shook his head no and walked over to me. I took his hand and laid him down on the couch. "Baby you look stressed." I tell him kind of seductively. He sighed "You have no clue babe." I smiled and slowly rubbed his arm up and down.

I straddled him and started to massage his shoulders. "I can feel the tension in you babe." I tell him and he smirks.

He leans up and presses his soft plump lips against mine. "I love you." he told me.

"I love you." I told him. I never liked saying I love you too because it makes me feel like your just saying yea me too.

I heard the tour bus door slam so Louis and I both looked up. Harry stormed through the door heading to the bunks.

"Hey." Louis stopped Harry by grabbing his shoulders and holding him there.

"Get out of my way." Harry told Louis with gritted teeth.

"What happened?" Louis asked him.

"I need to talk to Jill so please move." Harry asked harshly.

"Hazza I'm not moving until you talk to me." Louis told him sternly.

"You want to know what happened?" Jill screamed as she stormed into the room. "You really WANT to know?" She screamed at Louis. Louis gulped and slowly drooped his hands off of Harry's shoulders.

"He CHEATED on me! He didn't just kiss another girl HE had SEX with another girl!" She screamed.

Louis' and my mouths dropped. Harry what? He WHAT!? He cheated on MY JILL!? Oh hell no.

"You what? You CHEATED on HER!?" I screamed at Harry while getting off the couch.

"YOU CHEATED ON MY BEST FRIEND YOU FILTHY BASTARD!!" I screamed at him before lunging at him.

No one got to me on time so I was straddling Harry and smacking his chest.

"You." slap "Are." slap "A." slap "Terrible." slap "Human." slap "Being!" slap.

I started to punch and slap Harry. I knew I didn't mean it but this just enraged me! Harry tried squirming under neath me but I was not letting him up. He was not getting away with this.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off of Harry.

"NO!" I screamed. "He deserves everything that I just did!" I screamed. I looked Harry in the eyes "You don't deserve Jill. She is an amazing person that can find a man, no sorry BOY who is way better than you! She doesn't need you so don't expect her to come crawling back to you because you are a filthy piece of crap and so help me god you will NOT come near her until she says so."

Harry looked so speechless. I saw in his eyes he knew I was right. Every word I said was true. Harry looked at me then Jill.

"Jill can I please talk to you?" He asked in barely a whisper.

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