Chapter 1

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~Sophie's POV~ 

(11 hours before concert)

It was finally here... After waiting over a year, the time has come. Today is the day of the One Direction Stadium tour in Orlando!! I'm so excited! I get to go with my best friend Sam who is the one that got me to listen to them in the first place. We also got our parents to book us a room at the same hotel as them. Hopefully we get to meet them!!

I got up and called Sam right away. I dial her number and she picks up immediately.

"AHHHHH" She screams in the phone. "I'M SOO EXCITED!" She says.

"I KNOW ME TOO!" I say back. "We will pick you up around noon ok?" I ask.

"Okie dokie. I will be waiting!" She replies and then we hang up.

I get up and go downstairs to eat breakfast. My parents and brother are probably still sleeping. I was to excited to sleep. I grab 2 pieces of toast and put them in the toaster. Meanwhile I get myself a glass of water and take out cream cheese to put on my toast. I go back and grab the toast and then sit at the table.

I finish eating and I go back to my room. I grab my phone and go on twitter. I'm scrolling through my feed and see a tweet from Niall.

"@NiallOfficial: ORLANDO ARE YOU READY?!"

They never notice us but I reply.

"@SophieM: @NiallOfficial i have been ready for over a year!"

I put my phone away when I hear footsteps outside my door. I'm guessing my parents woke up. I walk out to go greet them.

"Good morning" I say. I walk over to them and give them a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi honey. How did you sleep?" My mom asks me.

"Barely anything actually, I was to excited for tonight!" I tell her.

" I can see" She giggles a little. I sit with them at the table. My mom is eating some cereal and my dad is drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"So I told Sam we were gonna pick her up around noon is that ok?" I tell them.

"Ya its fine." My dad replies. A couple minutes later my brother walks in.

"Good morning Nick." I say.

"Hey Soph." He replies. Everyone calls me Soph. It kind of grew on everyone so now they all say it.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready." I announce.


It is now 12:30 and we are on our way to the hotel. Sam and I sit in the very back of the van. We connect my ipod to the car and start singing along. I love to sing. I sing along to everything. My family gets pretty annoyed sometimes because they say I sing too much! What can I do? I can't help it!

"Soph, you have no idea how excited I am! OMG WHAT IF WE SEE THEIR TOUR BUS?!" Sam says.

"Well, since they are staying at the same hotel as us, I'm pretty sure we will see it." I reply sounding a bit sarcastic and a small giggle follows.

"Hey! Why are you laughing? I know you want to meet them too!" She snaps back in a joking way.

"Ya ya I know. I'm excited too. I mean who wouldn't be excited to stay at the same hotel as One Direction!? Who knows what can happen!" I say and we both start to laugh.


"Girls, we have arrived." My dad announces.

"AHH" Sam and I scream in unison.

We unload the car and go to check in. While my dad checks us in, Sam and I go sit down.

"I can't believe your dad let us get a whole room for just the 2 of us!" Sam says.

"I know! I guess he doesn't want to deal with all of our screaming!" We both laugh.

Then we start to hear the scrambling feet and the screams of fans. I'm guessing that One Direction has arrived! We stand up and join the crowd. Right then we see the tour bus drive past us and there are the boys peeking out the window and waving at us!!!! OMG! Some fans start chasing after the bus but Sam and I don't want to give the wrong impressions so we went back inside and got the key to our room.

We hurried to our room which was on the 15th floor. The floor below One Direction's!! I can't believe this! My parents are a room over. By the time we settle in, its around 3:30 pm. The doors open at 5:30 so we have 2 hours to get ready. We lay on the bed and turn on the tv.

"We made it Sam... After waiting for over a year, the day finally came!" I say as I turn my head to face her.

"I know! I am soo excited!!! We finally get to go to a One Direction concert!!" She replies.

At around 4:30 we start to get ready and by 5 we are out the door and heading to the stadium. We stop by my parents room to tell them we were leaving and then we were off.


"ORLANDO! HOW ARE YOU TONIGHT?!" Liam starts of speaking. We weren't too far back from the stage. We were on the floor about 5 rows from the stage. I couldn't believe we were this close to them!!

"So, to start of the night, the boys and I will be singing one that you should know." Liam says. Then we hear the first beats of "Live while we are young,"

"Ahhhhh!!!" Is all you hear from the crowd. There was screaming and singing all around. Of course I was singing.

(Later in the concert)

"Ok, now this is the part that we answer some of your twitter questions!" Niall says. "It's our favorite part of the show so let's get started!"

After some of the funniest things I have seen them do, they sang a couple more songs and then my favorite of the whole night....

"This next song is one of our personal favorites from all our albums. This is 'Little Things' " Zayn says.

I love this song! All I can do is focus on Niall because I love when he plays the guitar. Throughout the song, I can see some of them start to tear up a bit. Aww. I look back at Niall and there are tears forming in his eyes as he sings. Definitely my favorite moment of the night.


"That was incredible!" Sam starts talking as we exit the stadium.

"Yeah it was. I can't believe we just went to a One Direction concert!" I reply.

We get back to the hotel and go up to our room. We get ready to go to bed and we lay down to watch some tv. At around midnight, I can't seem to fall asleep so I get up, slip on my slippers, grab my phone and earbuds and leave the room without waking up Sam. I start walking around the hotel. Its vacant. I guess not that many people walk around the hotel at midnight.

I go down to the lobby to find somewhere to sit and put my headphones in. I have a tendency to sing out loud when I'm listening to music. No ones around so I assume no one will hear me. I guess I thought wrong...

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