Chapter 22

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~Sam's POV~

After we landed, Sophie was doing a little better. She was recovering from when she fainted but the bruise wasn't getting any better. The purple and red glob on the side of her body would get worse by the minute. It was very swollen and I got worried. I could tell she was in a lot of pain, so I went to ask one of the airport workers if there was a nurse that could see her.

She said no.

I asked if she knew where I could take Sophie. She said that there was nothing walking distance. I didn't know what to do at that point. I went back to where I left Sophie. I sat her in a chair near some tall palm trees.

I had decided to use some of my money and try to get a taxi to take us to the nearest hospital. I got up and helped Sophie to her feet. I wrapped her arm around my neck and tried to walk to the street were there were some taxis waiting.

We started walking and then I felt the weight of her body slip from my fingers. I panicked as she hit the floor again with a thud. Shit she fainted again! I thought. I felt some eyes glued on us. Nobody would come help us. I tried shaking her awake but she wouldn't budge. Then I felt a strong pair of hands grab my shoulder as he kneeled down next to me.

"Someone call the ambulance!" He yelled.

I started to panic even more. I mean, the hospital is where I wanted to take her but I didn't think it was gonna be like this. I started to fan her and softly murmur:

"C'mon Soph. It's ok. Everything is going to be ok." I kept saying as my voice started to shake.

5-10 minutes later we were at the back of the ambulance. Sophie was waking up slowly. When we reached the hospital, they took her in a room and I had to stay outside. Which is when Niall called. Now, they finally let me come to see her.

The nurse walked me to the room that Sophie was in. She gently opened the door and I made my way in. Sophie was awake but she was still very pale. She looks at me once I get in and faintly smiles. I walk over to the side of the metal hospital bed. I grasp her hand in mine.

"Hey, how is it? Does it still hurt?" I ask. She nods her head.

Sophie point to the glass of water of the table and I hand it to her. She takes a gulp of water and cringes. The bruise is right by her rib cage so every time she breathes or practically moves, it hurts.

"Niall called." I said and half smiled.

"Is he ok?" She croaked out.

"He is fine. He is just worried out of his mind." I say and look down.

"How long do we have to stay here?" She says and this time the nurse answers since she is still in the room.

"Well, we are gonna give you some pills and an ointment so the bruise can start the healing process. You can start putting the ointment today and we have to keep you for a little to see if its working. So hopefully by tomorrow morning you will be free to go." She says. Sophie nods her head.

"Thank you." I say.

* * *

~Niall's POV~

"THEY ARE IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL PAUL!" I scream desperately and warm tears run down my face.

"I understand Niall."

"THEN DO SOMETHING!" I say and start pacing back and forth. I don't know what to do at this point.

"I will tell someone to drive down to Virginia to get them but its going to be a long trip so you probably won't see her for another day at the least." Paul says.

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