Chapter 9

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~Sophie's POV~

Now how was I supposed to tell Niall that I had feelings for him? I'm not going to do it over text because that is lame so I guess I have to wait for him to come visit...however long that will take.

I finished talking to him because "Pretty Little Liars" was starting. I'm kind of a freak when it comes to this show. I get like so into it and start screaming and gasping out loud and my parents get scared sometimes. I can't help it though! It's soo good! Sam and I are freak out buddies. We video chat and both have heart attacks (not literally) and we love to share those moments. Its a best friend bonding time hahaha.

I decide to make popcorn just because and call Sam. I go over to the couch. I make myself comfortable and sit there and wait for the show to start. Its 5 minutes to show time and I'm so excited! I wonder what is going to happen this week. Sam and I stare intently at the tv waiting for those 5 magical words.....

"Previously on pretty little liars...."


The next day, Sam and I decided to go see a movie. We hadn't really done anything this summer beside those amazing 72 hours. I get up and go downstairs to get some breakfast. I grab my phone, put on my slippers, tie my hair in a bun and head downstairs. Pretty lazy day, Its around 9:30 and we were meeting at 11 am at the theater. I make myself some toast and go on twitter. The mentions died down a little. Thank goodness. I'm scrolling down my feed and see that Liam and Louis tweeted.

"@Real_Liam_Payne: I'm sooo excited for @NiallOfficial !!"

"@Louis_Tomlinson: @NiallOfficial I'm so happy for you! You found your princess. Go on lad make a move!"

Ugh. Just great. Of course he found a girl. Not me of course. It can't be me. I just need to move on. I can't wait for him to fall in love with me especially now that he found a girl. I will not let this bring me down. I already had a talk with Sam, I need to forget the thought of him liking me and find someone else. I need to open my eyes for someone new.


I arrive at the theater and get in line to buy a ticket. I don't think Sam is here yet so I just get a move on and buy my ticket. We decided to watch "Divergent" it came out a couple days ago. I was really excited to see it. I loved the books! I get my ticket and go inside to buy some popcorn. I dig through my purse to look for my wallet. Why did I even put it away? Of course, I am known for bumping into people, as it happened with Niall and that was how we met. So I guess it wasn't such a bad thing. I don't think this one was either....

"Sorry!" I say as I feel another body bump into mine. Great... Why do I bump into so many people?

"It's ok." A deep and raspy voice says. I look up and see these green orbs staring down at me. He had short brown hair and a perfect smile. He grabbed my arm to steady me. Wow he was strong. Nice toned biceps. Not a bad sight really. "What's your name?" He asks.


"Nice to meet you Sophie. I'm Jake." Helloooo Jake! He was very attractive!

"Nice to meet you." I reply. Hopefully I'm not drooling in person because in my mind I am.

"What movie are you watching?" He asks.

"My friend and I are going to watch Divergent."

"Really? Me too! You guys wanna sit with me and my brother? Where is your friend anyways?"

"Umm" I say and look around. Then I spot her coming in through the doors. "Right there." I say and point to her. "SAM!" I scream all the way across the theater. She sees me and walks this way.

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