Chapter 14

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~Niall's POV~

"Your laugh is the most adorable thing ever. I'm so glad to be able to call you mine." I whisper. She kisses my cheek. "I was thinking, how about I take you on our first date tomorrow?" I pull her in closer.

"I would absolutely love it." She sends me a smile and I return the gesture. She was perfect. Her eyes. Her smile. Her hair. Her. And I could finally call her my princess.

We finished the movie. She fell asleep in my arms. She looked so beautiful when she was asleep. I tried my best not to wake her up. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. I lay her on the bed. I get up to leave and feel a hand grab me arm. I see her eyes flutter open just a crack.

"Stay." She says.

I go to the other side of the bed. I take of my shirt and jeans and get in next to her. She cuddles up to me. I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her closer. She lays her head on my chest. I can feel her chest rising and falling peacefully indicating that she was now asleep again. I lay my head on top of hers and close my eyes. I wish we could cuddle every night. I'm gonna miss this when we have to go back.


At around 8 I get up. Sophie was still in my arms. I didn't want to get up but I was taking her on our first date. I wanted something exciting so we will remember it forever. It is risky since there is going to be a lot of people there but I'm going to try my best and disguise myself. I gently let go of Sophie and lay her down again.

I go into the guest room where my suitcase was to get clothes. I didn't bring much since it was just 2 days. We practically had 2 guys sharing a suitcase. Except Lou. He had one to himself. I grab a plain white t-shirt and navy blue shorts. I wanted to try to blend in as much as I could. I also grabbed my white snapback and my black ray-bans sunglasses. I change and go to the kitchen. Get a head start on breakfast. I reach the kitchen and notice someone is already there.

"Well you got up early." Sophie's mom says.

"Ya. I was going to get a head start on breakfast but you beat me to it." I say and she lets out a small laugh.

"Why don't you just set up the table? Please and thank you Niall." She says.

"Of course Mrs.Matthews." I reply.

"So what are you guys doing today?" She says trying to start a conversation.

"Well I was planning to take Sophie out on our first date. If that's ok."

"Of course! Where?"

"I was thinking somewhere exciting. Maybe Disney."

"That's cute. She would love it. We haven't gone to Disney in a couple years so she will definitely enjoy it. Especially going with you." She says and gives me a warm smile.

"I hope so."

"Promise me you will be careful and protect her."

"With my life."

"Thank you Niall. You are a great guy. I'm glad she found you."

"I'm glad I found her. She makes me very happy."

"Well I am very happy for you guys. Why don't we start waking up the others?"


At 9 we were already in the car on our way to Disney. We chose Magic Kingdom because of the castle which was perfect for a first date. Right? It romantic... I think... Sophie was wearing jean shorts and a loose purple tank top. She put on her white converse and had on her purple ray-bans sunglasses. She looked hot!

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