Chapter 17

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~Niall's POV~

Ashley said the cabin was 30 minutes away. We made it in half the time so by 9:45 we were reaching a forest. Everyone got out. Panicked looks on their faces. I was trying to hold back tears. I just kept thinking of the worst. I mean what if we are too late? I go around the corner of the forest to what seems like a path. Right at the beginning of the path is Sophie's car. At least we got the right address. We all start walking into the forest, following the path. There seems to be no signs of civilization. They hid this cabin very well. We keep walking.


We looked at each other. They are thinking the same thing. Sophie....


By the second scream, we were sprinting. By the time we see the cabin, another scream comes from inside. Harry and I decide to go in. Me because Sophie is my girlfriend. Harry cause he can get very tough when he is mad. Everyone else stayed on the porch in case we needed backup. We cautiously make our way inside the cabin. Its a very nice cabin but we aren't here for vacation. We reach the living room and look around. I hear a low chuckle coming from one of the rooms to the left. We reach the door and I look at Harry. He nods, signaling that he is ready. Within a split second we barge in through the door.

There is Jake, in his boxers, laying on top of Sophie. We made it just in time. They weren't able to fully do it. Sophie laid there helplessly in her underwear and I noticed that Jake was trying to unhook her bra. For a second I stand there in shock. Then I realize that I should probably do something.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF SOPHIE!" I scream. He laughs.

"Niall! What are you doing here?! Get out! He will hurt you!" Sophie says desperately.

"No Sophie! I can't let you do this. I can handle this bastard on my own." Jake gets up.

"What did you just call me?!" He says and makes his way towards me. Sophie scrambles out of the bed and puts on her shirt and shorts.

"Oh nothing. I just said that you are a BASTARD!" He jumps on me and we fall to the floor. Harry tries to pull him off of me but Jake is too strong.

"DON'T EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN BITCH!" He yells and punches me.

"THEN DON'T RAPE MY GIRLFRIEND!" I punch him back. I have several bruises on my face and I gave him a couple. I didn't know I had it in me. I punched his nose really hard and it started to bleed. He wraps his hands around my neck and attempts to strangle me. I try to pry his hands open but he is too strong. Loosing oxygen... Everything is blurry....

By that time the other boys are barging in through the door. They all come over to help me. The last thing I see is Harry punching Jake and kicking him in the ribs. Then it all went black.

~Sophie's POV~

I can't believe they came. As soon as Jake got out of the bed, I scrambled to put on my clothes. Sam comes over to me. She is covered in tears and then I join her as I wrap her in a hug. We pull apart and she never leaves my side. I watch as Jake and Niall battle it out. Niall has several bruises on his face and he managed to give Jake some pretty bad bruises too. I guess Jake didn't think Niall could fight back. When Jake lost focus for a millisecond Niall went in straight for the nose. He punched him so hard that his nose started bleeding.

I couldn't help the tears that were falling from my eyes. I just stood there watching and could do nothing because I was weak. Jake wraps his arms around Niall's neck in an attempt to strangle him. Niall tries to break from his grasp but he can't. Then 4 boys came running in through the door. They all came! They run over to help Niall. They manage to get him off of Niall. He is struggling for air. I see Harry hanging up the phone and then marching towards Jake. He punches him in the face and then a nice kick in the ribs.

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