Chapter 20

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~Niall's POV~

I finally got to talk with Soph alone. I loved it. It only made me miss her more. Wishing I could hold her in my arms. Feel her lips on mine. Hold her hand. Show everyone that she is my princess and no one else's. I wish that 2 weeks would pass sooner.

We were still on the bus driving to our next destination. Indianapolis. We still have 2 hours left. I head to the kitchen and get something to eat. I'm starving! Zayn is in the front lounge of the bus but I can't spot the others. Maybe they are in the back lounge. I grab my guitar and sit down. I freestyle and sing random songs. I love jamming out on the guitar.

Zayn joins me and we end up singing and chatting. We loose track of time and before you know it, we arrive.

It was around noon when we got there. We went out to eat something. We ended up at a Wendy's. We crossed some fans there and took a few pictures. We talked about different things. I devoured the food quickly so I got another order. What? I get hungry!

We finish in about an hour and Paul rushes us to the bus. Apparently we have a radio interview at 2:15. Its with a local station. Ugh I hate when they surprise us with these things. Sometimes its out of nowhere! Like why can't you plan ahead instead of calling an hour earlier, seriously?

We arrive at the station with 30 minutes to spare. We hurry to makeup where Lou takes over. She does an amazing job as usual in a short period of time. I don't know how she does it. She is talented. Even though the audience won't see us, she still has to make us look presentable. What feels like 5 minutes has actually been 30 because a guys is jogging behind us and yelling "2 minutes! 2 minutes!"

We rush to sit in the chairs and wait till the host Ashley, introduces us. She looks at us and mouths the words 'you ready?' We all nod and Harry gives her a thumbs up. Then we see a red sign above us turn on with the words 'on air.'

"Hello my fellow Indianapolis people! This is Ashley speaking and today I have some special guests with me. Maybe you know them as the world-famous boyband One Direction! Hello boys." A chorus of hi's and hello's replied.

"So, what is it like being on your 3rd world tour?"

"Its unbelievable. We are so grateful to be here and to have all of the fan's support. They got us to where we are today." Louis says.

"Ya, its definitely a life changing experience." Harry adds.

"How is it to be back in America for round 3?" She asks.

"We love coming to America. We do get mobbed a lot which isn't that fun but the concerts here are incredible." Liam says.

"And the food! You can't forget the food!" I say and everyone starts laughing.

"Of course Niall. Who can forget the food? So its almost been a year since your movie "This Is Us" was released. What has happened since then?"

"It just been crazy. We have gotten so much feedback. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making it." Liam says.

"I can imagine. I even heard that some fans were fainting! What do you think of that?"

"Ya I heard! Its crazy! I hope they were ok!" I say.

"Ya, we never meant for anyone to faint! Get emotional, sure but not faint! We even got a tad emotional watching the movie. Its just unbelievable watching all that you have accomplished in a short period of time." Liam says.

"Well, you boys are doing an amazing job. You don't disappoint any fans out there!"

"Thank you." Liam replies for us.

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