Chapter 2

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~Niall's POV~

The concert went great! We got back to the hotel at around 11:15 pm. We went in the back way so we didn't get mobbed by fans. We had enough of that for today. We all go up to our rooms. 16 flights up.

"Goodnight guys" I say as we all go into our rooms.

I start to get ready for bed.. At around midnight I start to get hungry and I can't really fall asleep.I get up and look around my room to see if there is anything to eat. I give up and decide to go downstairs to get something. I grab my phone, put on my slippers and head down to the lobby.


I reached the lobby and when the doors open, I see no one, it empty. I step out of the elevator and then I hear it. Someone is singing. Its a girl. Why is there someone singing at this time? I walk to the main area of the lobby and then I see her. She is sitting on a couch with her eyes closed, earbuds in and singing out loud.

"Not really sure how to feel about it, something in the way you move..."

Wow she is not half bad. I decide to walk over to her. I stand in front of her to see if she notices. She doesn't. Niall she has her eyes closed she's not gonna see you! I tell myself. I clear my throat hoping she notices. It worked!

"OMG! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to be singing out loud. I thought no one was around. I'll go now!" She said in a rushed and kind of scared tone. She didn't even look up. I guess she was embarrassed. She scrambled to her feet and without looking she accidentally bumped into me.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry..." she started walking away. I didn't want her to leave without introducing herself. I grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her back so she was facing me. She finally looked up.

"Y-Your Niall..." She said stumbling on her words a little.

"Horan. Well, yes I am. And who are you?" I asked her and gave her a small smile.

"Sophie. Look I'm sorry. I didn't mean for anyone to hear me sing. I'll be on my way now." She said.

"Wait! Don't you want to have a little chat? I was on my way to get something to eat. I can't seem to fall asleep. Would you like to come with me?" I ask.

"You want ME to come with YOU?" She asks innocently.

"Is there anyone else here?" I laugh a little and she blushes.

"Ok I'll go. I can't fall asleep either, that's why I came down here in the first place." She replies. We start walking towards the cafe.

"So, Sophie right?" I ask.


"Did you go to the concert tonight?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"Ya! You guys were incredible! I have been waiting over a year to go to one of your concerts! Best night ever!" She replies a little less shy now.

"Wow! Well its great that you were able to make it! I'm glad you enjoyed it!" I say as we approach the cafe.

There is a fruit bowl sitting there, I'm guessing for breakfast. I grab an apple and Sophie grabs a banana. Harry would die for a banana hahaha. We take a seat at one of the tables.

"You have a really good voice by the way." I tell her and she blushes.

"Thanks. I can't even begin to tell you everything that's amazing about you!" We both laugh a little.

"Do you live here in Orlando?"

"Ya about an hour away from here."

"Oh nice. What do you like to do?"

"I love to sing as you can tell" she laughs, "I also play the piano. My dad plays the guitar and I sing along sometimes. I love the sound of the guitar. I wish I knew how to play it." She says.

"Well, maybe I can teach you sometime." I offer and then smile.

"Really? You would do that?"

"Of course. I would love to teach you! I don't mind cause you doesn't seem like you're one of those creepy fans that stalk us and jump on us when they meet us." I smile at her.

"Ya... They are a bit extreme. I can't believe I'm here talking to you. I've always wanted to meet you and now I'm TALKING to you? Unreal!" This causes us to both let out a giggle.

"Ya I never thought I would find such a great fan. I mean, how many fans can sit here and talk to me? Not many cause they would be freaking out. So I'm glad I can finally talk to one of them." I reply.

"Oh trust me I'm like having a heart attack inside. This feels like a dream. Just a couple days ago I was in my bedroom staring at the posters on my wall, hoping I can meet you when I came here. I guess those dreams came true and even more." She smiles at me. I smile back. I like Sophie. I want to get to know her better...


"I think we should start going back up. What floor are you on?" I ask her.


"Wow 1 floor below me."

"Ya" she laughs a little.

"I really enjoyed talking to you. We have a day off tomorrow, maybe we can hangout by the pool or something." I tell her.

"Ya sure!"

"Let me give you my number." She hands me her phone and I punch in my number. "Here you go." Then I hand her mine and she puts in her's. "Thank You"

"Your welcome. Thank you to you too."

I smile and as we reach her floor, I reach over and give her a hug. I guess I surprised her but she hugged back. She started blushing.

"So I will text you." I say.

"Ok goodnight." She says and steps out of the elevator.


Wow what a night! She was really nice. I can't believe that just happened. Wait why am I freaking out? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Hahaha well I better get to sleep. I can't wait 'till tomorrow!

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