Chapter 19

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~Sophie's POV~

That day, Sam and I spent it together. I needed the support after having to say goodbye to Niall and I think Sam may be developing some feelings for Harry. So we needed each other. We went shopping at the mall, some girls even asked for a picture! Definitely a first! Then we went to watch a movie. It was definitely a girl's day! To end the day, Sam was sleeping over. I have to admit, spending the day with Sam definitely eased my mind because I was having a hard time from all that happened earlier that morning. I managed to forget about all my problems for a little bit and enjoyed the company of my best friend. Of course I always thought of Niall. I miss him already and it hasn't been 24 hours yet! We texted a few times during the day.

Overall, today has been a pretty good day! To make it better, we were about to skype with the guys! Niall texted me to see if I was awake. Of course I was! Especially since Sam and I were having a sleepover! We always stay up late talking about nothing and everything. It was good to have someone to listen and be there for you.

"Sam! We are going to skype the guys! Hurry up!" I yell at her because she is in the bathroom.

"Coming!" She yells back from across the hall.

I open Skype and login. I click on Niall and video call him. While its ringing Sam comes back in the room. I motion for her to pull up a chair and bring it next to me. Before you know it, the too familiar faces now, appear on the screen. They are all smiling and waving. We smile back.

"Sophie! Sam! We miss you already!" Harry says.

"We miss you too! It hasn't even been 24 hours but it feels like forever!" I say.

"Ya I know!" He says.

"How was the concert today?" Sam asks.

"It was amazing, as usual." Liam says.

"Not surprised. You guys pull off a mean concert!" Sam replies.

"Well thank you." Liam grins.

"I know we do!" Louis says and half bows. We let out a laugh.

"You always make everything funny Louis. I miss your humor. I wish we could hangout all the time. Everyone needs a Louis in their life." I say and wink.

"I know!" He says and nods his head in disappointment. "I wish I could cheer everyone up."

"You do! You have millions of fans that love you! You make all of them laugh." I say.

"Ya but they don't know me personally, so I can't cheer them up. You know what I mean?"

"Ya. But trust me, being in their position, you 5 boys manage to do unthinkable things for each and every one of your fans. Just because you can't meet all of them, doesn't mean you don't touch them in a way. It doesn't mean you can't help them. You put a smile on so many people's faces, including ours." I smile. "I used to look at pictures of you guys and videos when I needed to be cheered up. And I was. So just because you don't know them personally or can't be by their side, doesn't mean you don't have the power to make them happy." I finish.

"Wow Sophie. You sure know how to make someone feel special." Louis says.

"Ya. We need to hire you for when we need some cheering up!" Harry says.

"You should be a psychologist!" Liam says.

"Well, that is what I want a career in." I say and laugh.

"Well you would be amazing at that. You would definitely be my psychologist!" Louis says.

Niall has been very quiet. He hasn't said anything yet and he looks very down. I text him so the others don't see. I grab my phone and send him a message.

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