Chapter 7

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~Sophie's POV~

Why am I so surprised? I mean how can Niall Horan from One Direction like me? He can have any girl he wants, of course he is not going to choose me. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was expecting too much. I feel terrible about hanging up the skype call but I couldn't let him see me crying.

I lay on my bed for a while. I don't bother going on twitter after my last tweet. Who knows what people are saying. My phone starts to buzz..1..2..3..4 times. They are text messages. The first one is from Kaitlyn:

'Kaitlyn: U have serious issues. If u didnt want to talk to me in the first place u could have said something'

'Me: U kept bothering me after i told u to stop'

'Kaitlyn: So thats a reason to get Niall Horan to prank call me and say Im a bitch?'

'Me: Well if u would have listened to me in the 1st place he wouldnt have called u. and stop spreading rumors. now everyone is saying mean things about me AND Niall!'

'Kaitlyn: Watev im not talking to u ever again'

'Me: Ok bye'

Wow Niall actually did it. Kaitlyn is out of my life. She won't bother me anymore! YES! The next text is from Sam:

'Sam: Hey! R u ok? I read ur tweet. Im srry. If u wanna talk im here :)'

'Me: Thx maybe later ya?'

'Sam: Of course take the time u need'

The last 2 were from Niall:

'Ni: What happened? Is everything ok?'  

'Ni: Please talk to me!'

'Me: I'm fine'

'Ni: U obviously rnt because u hung up skype'

'Me: Im srry bout that'

'Ni: Dnt apologize. Its fine. I was just wondering what happened. I saw ur tweet...'

'Me: Oh that...'

'Ni: Soph, is a guy bothering u? Please I want to help'

'Me: There is not much u can do Ni'

'Ni: Do u want to talk bout it?'

'Me: Not now. Maybe later but thx :)'

'Ni: ok im not going anywhere so when u need me im right here'

'Me: Thx Ni'

'Ni: Anything for u :)'

Ugh. What am I going to do? I can't tell him because he obviously doesn't like me back. All I would do is make it awkward. What if I talk to someone? Not Sam because she isn't that good with advice. I need a guy's perspective. Liam is always really nice to me and is the most mature. Louis can always make me laugh. Harry is like a big brother and Zayn is pretty quiet actually. Wow I learned a lot about their personalities in a couple of hours we spent together. I think I will start by asking Liam.

'Me: Hey Liam? U have a min?'

'Liam: Ya of course. What do u need?'

'Me: Advice'

'Liam: Ok..on what?'

'Me: Say u like this girl, u start hanging out w/ her and talking to her. Its all good. U actually start thinking that she has feelings for u but then she says its all lies. U become disappointed. She doesnt know that u like her so when u hang up on one of her calls she txts u and asks u what is wrong. U dnt want to tell her because u think it will be all awkward. What do u do?'

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