Chapter 23

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~Niall's POV~

They are already on their way here and I'm so excited. They will probably arrive tomorrow morning. We have a concert today so I go get ready. I can actually enjoy the concerts once again.

* * *

(After concert)

I had fun out there tonight. Met more amazing fans and enjoyed the songs. We are on our way back from the hotel. I check my phone and go on twitter.

"@NiallOfficial: Had fun tonight New York! Cnt wait for round 2 tomorrow :)"

We arrive at the hotel and I see another black van in the parking lot. Can it be? I hurry up to my room. I open the door but there is no one waiting there. My face falls in disappointment.

"You looking for someone?" A familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around.

"SOPHIE!" I scream and run to her. I wrap my arms around her and bring her in for a hug.

"Ow. Niall be careful!" She says.

"Oh shit! Sorry! I forgot! I'm just so happy to see you!" I say.

"I am too." She smiles and closes the gap between our lips. She is finally in my arms again. Safe and sound.

* * *

(Next day)

~Sophie's POV~

Sam and I are going sight-seeing today and then going to the boys' concert tonight. I get up trying not to wake up Niall. I almost make it to the bathroom until I hear the sheets ruffling.

"Where are you going?" Niall says in a muffled, morning voice.

"Sam and I are sightseeing today. We are meeting up at 9." I tell him.

"Already? But you just got here last night." He says.

"I know but we want to see as much as we can. We are only here for a few days."

"Ugh fine." He says and rolls back. I go into the bathroom and get ready. I put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I put my hair in a pony tail and pull it back with a headband.

* * *

At 8:55am, I am going to the lobby where I was meeting Sam. She is already there sitting on one of the benches. I walk over to her.

"Hey ready to go?" I say. She looks up from her phone.

"Yep!" She says and hops up.

"So where are we going today?"

"Well, I was thinking we could do the Empire building then Statue of Liberty and then Rockefeller Plaza?" She says.

"Ya! That sounds great! Let's go!"


"Sam, we should head back already. Its 5. The concert will start in a couple of hours." I say.

"Ok." She says.

We took so many pics today! I had so much fun! We went all the way to the top of the Empire building. Everything looked so small from up there! Then we went to the Statue of Liberty on the little boat. And we ended at Rockefeller Plaza. It was so awesome to go there cause I've seen it on tv all the time and I've always wanted to go there.

Thank goodness no injuries happened and I made it back safely.

We go to our rooms and I take a quick shower and get ready for the concert. My bruise is slowly healing but it still hurts. When I finish I text Niall.

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