Chapter 21

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"Attention all passengers, there is slight turbulence. Please fasten your seat belts and hold on tight. Its going to be a bumpy ride."


Sam gets a strong grip on my hand and looks at me. Fear clearly showing through her transparent eyes. Every emotion can be seen. She is freaked. I admit, I am too. This is one of my fears when being on a plane.

I grip her hand with as much force, that's when we feel the first jostle. Then the plain starts to shake, causing our body's to jump in our seats. I look around and see panicked faces. Babies start to cry and the mom's try to calm them. There is no one walking in the aisle, not even the flight attendants. They were by the kitchen, strapped down in their own seats.

The plane slightly jerks to the left. My body hits the side of the seat. The cold, hard metal making contact with the side of my body. Pain making it's way through my body. Crap. I'm still holding on to Sam. Fresh tears make their way down her pale cheeks. Her eyes are closed and she is breathing deeply. She is as worried as me.

There are a couple more sudden motions. I hit the seat a couple more times. Each hit making the pain more unbearable. I lay my hand over the injured spot. As soon as I touch it, I jerk my hand back. It hurts too much. I don't know how bad it looks because I am scared to see. I feel like a million needles are being jabbed at my side.

The plane jerks backwards and I hit the seat in front of me. The piercing scream of toddlers is filling the atmosphere around me. My head starts to throb. Sam has a couple of bruises as well. I touch my forehead in attempt to find my wound. I touch the place and feel some blood. I start to sweat and become dizzy. My body becomes numb.

"Sophie.. Sophie!!" And that is the last thing I hear before the world around me turns pitch black.


~Niall's POV~

As soon as Sophie texted me, I got changed and told the guys. Only me and Harry were going to the airport, so that we wouldn't have too much attention. We hurried to the airport. Paul came with us in case a few fans showed up. I had to wear my hoodie and sunglasses and Harry wore a beanie and sunglasses because the girls insisted on flying like regular people. They didn't want to take advantage of us. We didn't want them to but if we hadn't then they wouldn't be coming.

It was about a 30 minute drive. Ya, I'm early. The plane isn't supposed to land for another hour. We took a seat at the gate. A few fans recognized us and asked for a picture. For the rest of the time, we just talked and did random things to pass time.


~Sam's POV~

We were stuck on the plane. I'm freaked. I think I'm pale also. I look over at Sophie. I held her hand through all of this. We had a hard grip on each other and wouldn't let go. Then, her grip loosened. I look at her and she is pale and sweating like crazy.

"Sophie..." I said and then her eyes rolled back and her eyelids shut. "Sophie!!" I yelled this time. I tried to shake her. I don't know what was happening. Then I figured it out, she fainted. In the freakin plane, when we are about to die!

Sophie has fainted several times before but it hasn't happened in like 3 years! No one can help me because we are all strapped to our seats. I try to reach for a tissue so I can clean her sweat. The plane keeps jerking. Ugh why don't they just land?!

I feel sick but I can't give up. I dried her off a little and started fanning her. I look at the window and its dark. Then I hear the light roar of thunder and the plane shakes. Omg I'm living one of those fatal plane crash type of movies! I can't help it and more tears falls down my cheek.

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