Chapter 18

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~Niall's POV~

I have never been so upset about going back on tour. Tour wasn't over, I just mean going back after a break. I love performing and I will always love it but now that I have to leave someone I care about behind, I don't know... It's just not the same. I have a hole in my heart when I'm not with her and it tears me apart. We board the airplane. Another tear slips from my eye. I feel the presence of someone coming up behind me.

"You ok?" Its Liam.

"I guess."

"I know its hard. You will see her again soon. I had to deal with the same problem. I just let it take over me and it didn't turn out how I planned. I hope it doesn't happen with you guys. I would hate to see you end up like me." He says and looks down.

"Liam, you did nothing wrong. I feel horrible seeing you like this. You don't deserve to have the breakup haunt you. I will help you try to forget it. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe that wasn't your time yet. Enjoy being single. I have for a long time. I just think I am ready now for a relationship. I think Sophie is the one. It just pains me to have to leave her."

"Ya its just sad that after all we did together, it was all thrown away. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet. Thanks for the support Ni. I really need it. You are definitely ready for a relationship and I hope you and Sophie can manage everything as a couple. You are good for each other."

"Thanks Liam. You really eased my mood."

"Anytime. I will always be here for you." I give him a giant hug and he walks away. I plug in my headphone and start the music while I look out the window. I unlock my phone and see a twitter notification from Sophie. She tweeted 10 minutes ago.

"@SophieM: Have a safe trip back baby. I miss you already! Love you XOXO @NiallOfficial"

I feel the tears gather in my eye. I never knew someone could mean so much to me. I hope I mean as much to her as she means to me. I reply to her tweet and go back to listening to music and staring out into the sky.

"@NiallOfficial: @SophieM Thanks babe. I miss you more. Can't wait to see you again. Love you XOXO"

In about an hour we are getting out of the plane. We have an hour before soundcheck. I text Sophie to tell her that we arrived. We talk for a little before the boys come to get me. We hang out for a while. Fool around and do stuff to pass time. Then we head to meet and greets. I had to put a fake smile for the fans so they didn't notice my mood.

Ten minutes and we had already taken about 5 pictures. My mood isn't any better. The next girl comes up to us. She is wearing a casual outfit, nothing slutty like some girls. She gives us all a hug and hands us each a letter. We take a picture first and then I open the letter. It said Niall on the back. I walk over to the side. She was the last one before we were allowed to take a quick break, so I had time to read the letter. I unfold the paper and begin reading:

"Dear Niall,

My name is Rose McCarthy. I wanted to write this letter because I knew I wouldn't have that much time when I met you in person. I wanted you to know how much you have changed my life. I had a troubled past and I would always turn to music when I had no one to talk to. I was introduced to you guys about 2 years ago and everything turned around. I felt like I could start over. Every lyric from your songs had an impact in my life. You guys gave me hope when I didn't have any. I considered myself to be hideous and I wasn't happy with myself. I tried everything I could to make myself feel comfortable in my own skin. I never had good self-esteem and all the guys at school would stare at me funny, it was horrible. I even ended up self harming and without the help of my best friend and music, I don't know what would have happened to me. I just needed someone to be there for me. Hearing the words 'I'm in love with you and all your little things' or basically any line in your songs, made me realize that the right person will come along and will love me for me. With all my little things. They won't care about my body. They will make me feel beautiful when I don't believe that. Your songs gave me that outlook on life. You inspire me to chase my dreams. That even if I come from a normal working class family, if I really want something and work for it, my dream will come true. So thank you for inspiring me. I owe it to you guys.

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