Step 17.

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#17- pour out your feelings.

Show coll that she makes you really happy by writing a long beautiful letter to pour out your feelings that she really does change your life.

It is certain to make coll happy and she'll probably notice you too.
------------------------------------------------------------- Tweet this to coll pls?

How to: coll is cool trash - You should read "How to: coll is cool trash" on Wattpad.

Day 8 of wattmas

Lame chapter ik:( sorry I went to a waterpark with a few friends and almost died.

There was a swimming pool (ik how to swim) and it had a line dividing it because the other half was deep as hell, so I was swimming peacefully on the safe half when my friends and I started swimming towards the line, we just stood behind it and we were just talking (my friends were going back now) and then me being the clumsy ass shit I am, slipped on a little thing (idk what it was, the water was coming through it) and fell into the other deep ass side, and no one freakin helped me, my friends didn't hear me through loud music and the lifeguards thought I was playing like what the hell!? Then I splashed as hard as I could and got out, the most dangerous experience of my life, holy shit! I thought I was dying.

When I came back gasping for air, my friends noticed and ran up to me and took me to a doctor and now I have a really bad cold and I'm coughing a lot (water comes out ew)  i swallowed the chlorine ew this is my own fault for being a clumsy lil shit lmao and I also ruined their day by coming back early so yay for me.

Thank u if you really read this far, ily bye x

-antisocixlqueen [12.12.15|18:09]

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