Step 27.

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#27- make a christmas treat for coll.

You can bake a christmas cookie (recipe on the internet) but if you're lazy like me, just buy a cookie from a cookie shop and then do the icing yourself, you can use the icing to spell out coll is cool on cookies and then tweet them to coll or tag her in it and then devour the cookies. (Or u can send it to her if have the money and if they'll stay fresh but if u r broke like me, then just eat the cookies yourself)

Tweet this to coll pls?

How to: coll is cool trash - You should read "How to: coll is cool trash" on Wattpad. http://w.ttd/1k36DzD

Day 18 of wattmas

Ayyee, early update bc Im gonna go to a party today, holy shit what a shock1!1!1! Just kidding, I'm having a movie marathon on netflix sorry i dont have friends and im too awkward to go to a party lmao.

Anyway I hope u are having a good day bc u deserve one, here's a cupcake for being an awesome person yay: (^_^)

ily x.

-antisocixlqueen. [22.12.15|12:09]

How to: colliscool trashWhere stories live. Discover now