Step 62.

51 4 1

#62-create a trash.

inspired by our senpai coll-chan, we should represent our souls in our truest forms;

a trash.

not just any trash, our truest forms, a trashcan, it can be any colour you want. (preferably black like coll's bc emo)

but not only will you paste stickers of your senpai on them, you'll them as your trashy feelings bin, whever you want scream how adorable your fictional otp is or how troye sivan from looking like an adorable fetus to dayum son, you can just write your feelings down then throw them in your trash but remember....DO NOT! I REPEAT, DO NOT THROW THE TRASH OUT! because its your true emo feelings.

you can rant, do whatever you want because its your natural habitat, own it.

don't forget to tweet/tag colleen the pictures of your trash:)


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greetings my sparks!! how are u all? i hope you're okay bc im not:(: its that tomorrow the 12th marks nine months since a tragic event in my life and i cant stop crying so i decided to update bc u guys make me happy<3

i hope u all are having fab days bc u deserve fab things bc u r fab\(•♢•)/ i just made that kawaii emoji up lol

so on the questions;

your ambition in life?

a dream you'd like to fulfil?

somebody's dream you'd like to build?

a hopeful quote?

favourite quote?

i hope you guys liked this update, im vvv exhausted and i just missed u guys and i wanted to communicate w my sparks fam bc im a mess rn and u guys make me really really happy, ily

-hurri-came. [11.04.16|22:19]

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