Step 25.

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#25- buy coll's merch (if you can)

If your mum/dad allow you to or if you have enough money, buy coll's merch bc its really cozy and nice and you'll even be able to show people how trash you are.

Tweet this to coll pls?

How to: coll is cool trash - You should read "How to: coll is cool trash" on Wattpad.

Day 16 of wattmas

Hey guys, how are you? ik this is our first collalypse so its not that great haha but we'll do it again in january or february:)

I hope u all have a great day bc u deserve one for being amazing as hell♡

And omg i have 1.50k+ reads, 100+ votes and 50+ comments, thank you so so so much:)))

I want to call u guys something so comment down below what u wanna be called.

Fetus coll in the media section^

ily x


How to: colliscool trashKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat