Step 23.

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#23- write a little poem for coll.

First things first, I suck at poetry but apparently if you try, you're half way there so I'll try and you should too.

Her name's Colleen,
According to google,
The only thing that rhymes with it is Spleen.

I know you're praying,
For my poetry skills,
I'm very very sorry,
But atleast I'm trying.

She makes me feel happy,
Because she's really cheery,
She always makes my day,
Even if I'm going through lackaday.

-antisocixlqueen 2k15

Omg what the hell, so yeah I dare you to try one as well bc that's what trash do, they sacrifice a lot in their lives like their dignity.

weet this to coll pls?

How to: coll is cool trash - You should read "How to: coll is cool trash" on Wattpad.

Day 14 of wattmas

Oh my god, what the actual heck did I write? I'm so sorry (>_<)

Anyways so I've been obsessed with this book his bubblegum klutz (and the sequel, the return of his bubblegum klutz) and there's a cliffhanger and im really really frustrated omg, im sorry I get too "inside" the book.

If you haven't read it, I recommend it 110%

Okay so we had day 1 of collalypse, how's it going? Day 1 didn't go that high bc the timings and all just messed up but now it doesn't matter what time till 25th december so yeah, I'm excited:))))

Okay i love you guys x byeeee.

-antisocixlqueen. [18.12.15|20:35]

How to: colliscool trashWhere stories live. Discover now