Step 29.

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#29- #collismas

Tomorrow, early morning before you visit your friends/families, go to parties and stuff, send some holiday greetings to coll and hashtag it to #collismas.

Tweet this to coll pls?

How to: coll is cool trash - You should read "How to: coll is cool trash" on Wattpad. http://w.ttd/1k36DzD

Day 20 of wattmas

Greetings my sparks! Are you having an amazing day bc u deserve one♡

5 days to go!:( ily guys soooo much and I can't thank you enough for all the support, when I started this book, I never once thought that people were going to read it, I was just like this is for coll, ik we have yet to be noticed by coll but thank u so so so much for voting, commenting and reading this book♡

ily x.

-antisocixlqueen. [24.12.15|1:15]

How to: colliscool trashWhere stories live. Discover now