Is this it?

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It all happened so fast... One moment I'm struggling to breath, the next I was fighting for my life. I can remember it like it was yesterday...

*Flashback* (Insert Tardis sounds)

I was walking home with my boyfriend Ericsson, it was a cold windy day. My blonde hair kept smacking my face, and getting in my mouth. As I gripped onto my jacket, my beanie slipping slowly off my head. I was stumbling a bit, well a lot. Ericsson had grabbed my arm as I was about to fall. He was rougher than needed, his hand pressing into my skin leaving bruises. "Stop! You're hurting me!" I had shouted in pain, but the wind carried my scream with it, leaving a harsh whisper. Ericsson looked down, his usual gentle brown eyes, had turned dark and cold; they were as black as night. His jet black hair ran over his repulsive eyes. He saw the fear in my eyes as he threw me in his car, and drove away. I kept yelling, "Stop! Please let me go! If you actually love me you'd let me go!" But nothing made him stop; he was going to kill me in the one place that was ours. Just like they warned me.

*End of flashback* (Que Tardis sounds)

At the moment I was floating around, honestly floating around. I know I'm in a hospital, a scary thought to think; not being in your body. I keep thinking about what happened, thoes couple days ago. I get shivers every time I think about it. I still can feel his hands around my neck, as he pushes me deeper into the water; his hands tightening the more I struggle. As I cry under the water.

Shaking my head, I find a place to sleep in an old worn down, oak tree. Before I can curl up on a soft leafy branch, I'm fast asleep. As I once again have the nightmare of my sad decease.

Reading this book you can look forward to: Heartaches, Crime, Tragedies, Pain, Death, Almost happily ever afters, and much more.

This book is under copyright and all Rights are Reserved. This book can not be taken or used by anyone other than myself. These characters are figures of my imagination and are not real people. If anyone happens to have the same name, or look similar to the description it is only a coincidence. © This book and all other books by this author is by me Anonymouser.

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