Cassandra T.

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Cassandra has never been one to get her life together. She was unable to graduate high school due to, some might say delusions, but to her they were always reminders. Reminders that there is something else out there and it's coming for her. Something that lurks in the dark alley ways on her way home at night. Something that could kill...

She was never able to fully obtain an image of the thing, but subtle hints gave way to the fact that whatever it's not human. Images of gnashing, snarling, and high pitched laughter rings through her, and she drops her tray of drinks for table five.
Cassandra felt her hands shake, and a usual tingle came from the tips.

This can't be happening...not now...not here.

The bar feel silent and immediately the attention was on her.

"Are you Alright?" Her co-bartender, Sarah asks with a lightness to her voice.

"Fine," Cassandra croaks at first and then swallows her images,"I'm fine."

The usual chatter and roar starts again. She feels the eyes of everyone off her, letting herself push out a ragged breath finally. Her eyes try to concentrate on anything but her friend, who already can sense the tension in her.

"Cassandra maybe you—" Sarah starts.

Sarah was only doing the right thing, trying to lesson the burden, but knew Cassandra would never accept help. She never did. Even though her only family is her drunk father.

"No, I don't need help, and I don't need to go home, I am fine." She spits at her friend.

Cassandra kneels and cleans up the spilt shots and beer kegs. Her job felt like a joke to her, and normally she'd treat it as such but her checks are on the line. Her boss has pulled her into his office one too many times, and she knew next time would be the last straw.
A shard pricked her finger and she felt it pinch into the skin.

"Shit," She muttered under her breath to the floor.

As soon as it reached her friend, she felt Sarah's hands helping her up and guiding her to the back sink. The sound of clicking heels fresh in her mind.

"Alright, Cassandra, I want you to go home. I'll cover your shift, and I need you to get some sleep. You look like you haven't gotten any in days."

"No! I'm perfectly fine! It's just a damn cut, nothing big," Cassandra counters.

"Please! Go home, get rested."

"Sarah, I don't mean to be mean or rude but...LEAVE ME ALONE!"

She hits her shoulder against her friends and goes back to cleaning.
Sarah stands by the steel sink in shock that her friend had treated her poorly, certainly this had never occurred before.

"THIS IS THE LAST STRAW CASSANDRA, GET OUT AND COME BACK TOMORROW," Sarah yells furiously as she charges her.

Grabbing ahold of Cassandra's arm, she pulls her to her feet, and then shoves her out the door.

"You need to get your mind straight in whose your enemy and whose your friend!"

The bar door slams shut and leaves Cassandra completely still with anger.

What the fuck Sarah?

She thought about fighting against her friend, or sneaking in to work. Either way she would work eventually, but Sarah was right...She did need rest. Wait...No, What she needed was peace. She needed the war ongoing her mind to stop. The tricks to disappear, and her life to get back on track.

"Can I though?" She thought.

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