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Last time Cassandra was awake, they were somewhere in the outskirts of the city, and light was high in the sky yet.
Since, her head has been laying against the glass on her arm, and her eyes closed from tire.

James drove relentlessly through the day at high speeds without creating interest to them.

None of it mattered thou, not the serene place, not the fact that they were safe, because they aren't, at least Cassandra's mind isn't.

Images of rough brick walls, flooring, and ceiling with some kind of fungus growing in between the cracks filled her mind. Her hopeless body strapped to a table and her clothes replaced with a black cloak that went down to her knees.

"Here we go, whose ready for this?" A voice twisted into three different ones echoes off the walls.

Cassandra tries resiliently to pull her bindings loose.

"Let's get on with it." A deep voice comes from over head of her.

His eyes blackened with gory and death. His white hair slicked back while his teeth shine at her.

"Yes Gabriel." Something whispers beside her head.

She scream as loud as she can, not wanting to endure this, just wishing she were dead.

Gabriel's huge hand clamps down on her mouth.

"James said you were tough, I hope so, because if you endure this I might just make you my trophy." His smile wickedly cuts across his polished face.

As soon as his sentence was finished, her mind was tortured with images of her family slain at home, James stabbed in her arms, and then the feeling of fingernails scratching down her arms and legs tearing her apart.

She moved in her seat as she slept, and mumbled nonsense. James took it as a dream and continued on in their journey. A dream, Just a dream that's taking control over her.

He turns down a paved road, surrounded by trees, and a loud scream escapes Cassandra's lips.

James automatically pulls over as soon as possible and parksthe car along the side of the forest.

"Cassandra! It's okay! it's OKAY!" He tries to calm her but fails.

Cassandra bursts her eyes open and buries her face into James's chest. Buries her tears into him.

"It has never been that bad, never," She sobs out to him.

Visions, He tells himself.

"It's okay, your fine, I'm here. I'm here," James wraps his arms around her and holds her against him.

"No, he's coming for me, I'm his trophy."


"Gabriel, that's what he said to me. If I endured the torture he's making me his trophy. I should've died, I should've let go."

"Hey, hey, Shh, I don't wish any of that. Cass, your too important to me to die."

"It won't matter, Gabriel's going to find us."

"No, I made a vow to you and God that I'd always, no matter what, protect you. I broke it once but I won't do it again."

Her shudders lessen and the crying stops silently. James doesn't lessen his grasp on her. Cassandra's breathing evens out and she eventually moves away from him.

"Thank you," She smiles somberly at him.

"Very welcome, but it's probably a good idea to get going again, after all, we need a place to sleep."

She looks ahead out the windshield and notices the forest green floor with dark brown bark.

"Where are we?"

"About two miles away from the house."

"Okay," her voice hushed.

The night took over day and her life. It seemed darkness was as many hours as her daylight was.

James noticed the dirt drive way into the forest not so far ahead of them.
She bravely reached over and grabbed onto James's hand on the center console.

His eyes didn't blink or turn to her, all he did was hold hers back and squeeze lightly.

"We're going to be fine," He sounds like he's trying to convince himself.

The car turned right down a forest covered lane and Cassandra became entranced with the view.

"So beautiful."

James has one hand on the wheel and a smile erupts across his face.

"You always wanted to live in the forest, to feel secluded from the rest of the world, and just live in peace."

"Hmm, It sounds like me, but you left something out."

"What is that?"

"You left out how I wanted you to live with me."

The car drives slowly up the one way road and he turns his face to her.
James's vulnerability shown right through his face. He looked like he wanted to say something but then his gaze was back on the road.

"Your stuck with me either way," He replies.

A warmth run through Cassandra's chest and it felt...lovable.

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