Chapter One :: One Direction Sweepstakes

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  • Dedicated to starryflames

  Chapter One :: One Direction Sweepstakes

        "Kya! Lu-chan! Gajeel is just so cute!"

        Lucy rolled her eyes at her best friend's comment. Levy was basically a broken recorder - saying the same thing over and over again. Not only that, she didn't agree with Levy. In fact, she found the guy absolutely annoying. Along with the rest of them. Now who could them possibly be?

        "No! Juvia-san thinks that Gray-kun is cuter!" Juvia argued, snapping Lucy out of her thoughts.

        "Pft," Erza spoke up, 'unbelievably'  taking part in this argument. (Notice the thick sarcasm laced in with the word.) "Jellal is obviously the best member of One Direction. He's calm and he's got the looks, unlike the rest of them." 

        Aries looked up from the magazine she had been skimming through. "N-No . . . I think L-Loke-san . . . i-is the b-best."

        This type of argument-slash-conversation went back forth for a while, with little Wendy doing her best to stop them. Poor, poor her, Lucy mentally sighed. Honestly, it was poor, poor Lucy as well. Lucy simply did not understand how this boy band could be so popular. Their music was basically a bunch of love songs that would never happen in real life; they gave girls fake hopes.

        Looking up at the clock which was above the entrance door of the cafe they were sitting in, Lucy's eyes widened to see that an hour had passed by. "Oi, minna! Can't we talk about other stuff for once? It's been an hour. Plus you're giving me a headache."

        "What?!" they all cried out, their necks snapping towards the blonde.

        The blonde sunk a little in her seat, a tad bit scared of her huge fan girl friends. They were always so defensive about this.

        Then they said what they always said . . . synchronized. "But One Direction is the awesomest, cutest band out there!"

        Lucy merely faceplamed, worsening her headache. She absolutely, could not understand this obsession of theirs. That group was annoying and lead girls on . . . which was exactly the reasons why she had created a Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr account dedicated to what people called Direction-Haters. (Or rather Directionators.)  Lucy actually knew there was a formal name out there or something, but who cares?

        "Well, if all you're going to do is talk and blabber about One Direction," the blonde started, picking up her stuff and grabbing her drink, "then I'm outta here! I ain't dying young!"

        She quickly made her escape out the door, leaving barely any time for protests to come floating to her from her friend's mouths. Sighing in relief, Lucy slowed herself to a walk and then tightened the scarf which was wrapped tightly around her neck. It was piercingly cold out due the recent snow fall and she was tempted to run back to the cafe, but dismissed the idea. The cold was much better than suffering through another two hours of that band.

        Yawning, Lucy slowly started to make her trek home, dissing out One Direction in her head for some amusement.


        "Oh my god! Did you guys hear about that sweepstakes?!" Levy shrieked, bouncing around in her seat.

        Erza looked up from her strawberry cake with a glint in her eyes. "Certainly. I've taken the liberty of signing us all up."

        A round of cheers came up from the table and each shouted their thanks to their redhead friend. Erza was always the one to be on top of things.

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