Chapter 17 :: I'm More Fabulous Than You!

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. Chapter 17 .

     "Hey! Someone get the lights on! Now!" Erza's voice yelled, cutting through the panic inside the room, which held a hundred or so people.

  People immediately shut up and tried to figure out how to turn on the lights, their fear of Erza's intimating figure overriding the panic. The  rest of the girls, excluding Erza and Lucy, were together, thankfully, and they rushed over to Erza.

  "Erza! Daijobu?" Wendy asked, looking up at the redhead.

  Erza looked down at Wendy, whose face was one of concern. "Daijobu, Wendy-chan. And the rest of you?"

  There were mutters of 'yes's and 'hai's from the group of girls. Erza and went through the group. There's Levy, Juvia, Aries, Wendy. . . and Lucy was over by the . . window. . . where that. . .

    Eyes wide, she ran over to the window with the gang of girls behind her. They were rather confused when they saw a panic-stricken Erza rush over to the window, but followed anyhow.

  Erza reached the window and what she saw made her heart jump. There was a hole in the suppodely bullet-proof windows and there was blood on the ground. The rest of the girls gasped.

  "What happened?!" Levy cried out.

  "Lucy was standing over her, Erza-san, ne?" Juvia asked, finger on her chin, thinking.

  Erza gave a small nod and the girls gasped again. Wendy burst out into tears and everybody started to comfort each other, expect for Erza. She looked at the ground, eyes narrowed.

  Judging by the hole in the 'bullet-proof' window and the blood on the ground, she would be excessively bleeding. Thus, there should be a trail. Erza's eyes searched the ground for a few moments before finding it.

  "Minna, let's go!"

  The girls looked up from comforting each other.

  "N-Nani?" Levy asked.

  "Let's go find Lucy!"

  At first, confusion crossed their eyes and they couldn't comprehend what Erza had just said to them. Find Lucy? She was dead to them! There was a hole in one of the windows and there was blood everywhere! There was no way a normal person could survive whatever had happened!

  "Lucy's not a normal girl," Erza stated, determination in her eyes. "She wouldn't die from something like that! She's much too stubborn for that."

  The rest of the girls looked at each other, unsure. They could go off looking for her and then find that she was dead. None of the girls wanted that. But then a voice interrupted.

  "I agree with Erza."

  The boys appeared from behind them with Jellal at their head.

  "Besides that, Natsu is missing too," Jellal said.

  The girls looked at each other and each slowly nodded. Mind made up, Levy turned to Erza and nodded to her. Erza didn't even take the time to reply, but started to speak.

  "Okay, listen up. I'm only going to say this once, so listen closely."

  The group nodded.

  Erza continued. "There's a dangerous group after Lucy, because of some stuff that her mother did. As to what she did, we don't know. Anyways, this group is incredibly dangerous. So I suggest you stay behind me. I'll do the fighting. As for the rest of you . . . just don't get hurt and focus on rescuing Lucy, and if Natsu's with Lucy, rescue him as well. Hai? Okay, let's go!"

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