Chapter Thirteen: Changes and Twinges...Ah...Humans

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Hey minna!~

 This is the last chapter of the Christmas Special for O.D.F.T.S. ^-^

 (I will be updating Anime Romance as well....sorta)

 Aiya, this chapter will be kinda bad....I only had less then 2 days to write all four you know how bad that is?! T~T I need sleeeeeeeepppppp.

Dedicated: 99littlethings



 "IT'S YOU!" she said, pointing at Loke.

 "Yup,". Loke popped the 'p'.

 "I totally forgot you were...." Lucy trailed off as the other girls looked at her, very confused and very curious.

 "Wait, you've met Loke.....already?" Levy asked.

 Lucy nodded, then nearly jumped as the phone in her hand rang.




Lucy looked down at her phone, a bit terrified as to what was going to be on the other end. It was a 50-50 chance...between her brother, who she much rather prefer, or a drunk, angry father. Lucy gulped and looked to Erza for help. She gave Lucy a small smile. No help there obviously.

 Lucy bit her lip.... Should I?

 "Well, aren't you going to answer it?" the orange idiot asked her.

 Lucy sent a glare at him, and then answered her phone.

 "Hel-" She didn't even get to finish saying hello, when her father started to yell.


 Lucy shut the phone, sighing. Everybody's eyes were just wide

 "Didn't you tell him?" Lucy looked at Erza, tired.

 Erza nodded. "Yes...but I'm guessing...."

 Lucy nodded back, and then she sighed. The only thing good about this trip, was that she was away from her father.

 The rest of the girls and the boys looked at the two with a HUGE question mark above their heads.

 But then it went back to the awkward silence, until Lucy broke it again.

 "Can we PLEASE be shown our rooms. I'm as tired as hell," Lucy asked.

 "Uh," Natsu was a tad bit confused. The Lucy he had knew was no where like this. He had no idea how to handle it.

 "Fine, fine," Loke stepped in. "Let's go, blondie,". He put his arms behind his head, and walked out.

 "HEY! My name is NOT Blondie! It's Lucy!" she yelled out to him, as she walked out after him.

 The door then shut, leaving the rest of them in silence.


 "So,'s your room," Loke said, opening the door to the girl's room.

 "Uhn,". She walked start pass him and dumped her stuff on the ground, and jumped straight onto the bed.

 "So uh...Who called you?". Loke was genuinely interested. Whoever it was, had sounded pissed off at Lucy, and for some reason, he felt that he should help her out.

 Lucy just groaned and then made a shooing motion with her hand.


 "Mwo abawy,". Lucy's voice was thoroughly muffled by the fact that her face was in the pillows.


 She turned her head to face Loke. "GO. AWAY,". Then she moved her face back into her pillow.

 "Uh...okay...". Loke walked out of the room, and shut the door.


 "So you're a martial artist?" Gajeel asked the redhead.


 This redhead was stiff, and very formal. Something that made Gajeel a bit uncomfortable. As to the reason why he was alone with this girl...


 ", I guess we're showing you girls to your rooms.....," Jellal said.

 The girls nodded.

 "I'll take her then," Gray said, grabbing the shrimps arm and dragging her out of the room.

 Gajeel felt a twinge of jealousy, but ignored it.

 "I'll take you to your rooms, Aries and Wendy," Jellal said, leading them out.

 Natsu then piped up. "I'll take you, Juvia,".

 He grabbed the girl who had almost fainted, and walked out of the room.

 There was a moment of silence, as the two remaining people looked at each other.

 "Then, I guess I'll be taking you,".

Flashback Fine

 Seconds later, which felt like hours, Gajeel reached the redhead's room.

 "Here you go,".

 "Arigatou gozaimasu," the redhead replied and walked in.

 As the redhead walked by him, one of her suitcases hit him in the knee. And made him fly about three feet back. And by the time he was back on his feet, about to question the girl what she had in her case, the door had shut and been locked.

 Gajeel scratched his head. What the heck was the girl carrying in there?


Okay, so this was a short chapter. Yeah. Whatever. I'm sorry. I just felt like stopping. Besides, the chapter before totally makes up for this.

 Anyways, love you guys! I have over 100 followers now!!!!! EEP!



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