Chapter Fifteen :: Breaking Into Tears

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  Hey guys, I'm back after the longest of times! ♥ Thank you guys for waiting so patiently long? FOUR MONTHS. I'm so sorry. ♥

  But I'm back, and hopefully, my writings better.





 Lucy just couldn't believe it.

 She just couldn't.

 Her brown eyes looked out to the crowd of screaming fans, ninety-nine percent of them girls, and shivered. Stupid. . . kuso. Why'd I go with them?



 Lucy sighed, cursing at herself. She had been dragged into situation by her best friends. Ya know, the ones she had been best friends since like elementary or middle school? The ones that had thrown her surprise birthday parties and pranked her? The ones that helped her get together with boys and get over the heartbreaks? Yeah, those ones.

 Bored and annoyed with the scene in front of her, she turned around to only come face-to-face with a sight that could only make her more annoyed. The pinkette that irked her the most out of this little group.

 Why did he annoy her? Well, one. . . he seemed so familiar to her, yet she couldn't put her finger on why. That pissed her off. Usually, she had a pretty good memory, and she remembered everyone that she'd ever met.

  Two, he was just really annoying. Like very. Like I'm-gonna-have-to-slap-you-and-run-you-over-with-a-ten-ton-monster-truck-if-you-don't-walk-away annoying. Actually, worse, but Lucy couldn't find any other words or phrases that were descriptive enough. Another thing to add to her bucket list.

 "Natsu," Lucy hissed at him, still pissed off at him. "What do you want?"

 He flinched. "U-Uh...Just wanted to s-see if you w-were going to-"

 "Wish you guys luck?" the blonde interrupted.

 Natsu nodded, enthusiastically, thinking that she was.

 Oh boy, were his hope about to be dashed -- and ran over by a three-ton truck, then grinded nice and slowly in a mortar, and after that burnt nice and slow to a crisp. Then fed to the piranhas.

 "No way in hell would I wish the band I absolutely hate, and was practically kidnapped by and forced to go to their concert, luck," Lucy growled, then stomped away.

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