Chapter Fourteen : I Told You AB People Are Scary. . .

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Happy New Years!

Woot woot! Happy 2014 minna!~ ^-^

And welcome to my New Years Chapter Special!

Dedicated : imploding-hearts

 This girl is flipping awesome and she deserves every dedication, vote, and comment she gets. She also has a beautiful rant book! Not only that...she loves COOKIES!!!! OMFG. ♥ Even if she doesn't seem to like anime, I still think she deserves it. . . I meant that cookie. . .

 XD I’ve been so busy. NOT. But seriously though. I’ve been reading Naruto fanfics, and the such. SO DAMN GOOD. Anyways, I’m really sorry for not updating. It’s just TOO much. Well, yeah. Anyways, I CANNOT wait to finish this book and the next. You wanna know why? I can get started on my second book of the Dragons of Fairy Tail series. I have SO much planned for that book. BUT, gr. I have to finish this book, which I’m not very interested in writing. Yes, you read that right. BUT I need to finish them. T^T

  I must tell you something. I’ve started to write a Naruto fanfic,(that still needs a cover). I’ll be updating that one like once every month or so. Cuz. I like Naruto fanfics.

 Ok, anyways, on with the actual story. HIYA!

Oh wait…so some of you guys wanted to know what was in Erza’s suitcase, eh? XD That’s for me to know and you to find out. But pwz leave a guess. I want to see if any of you actually get it correct. ^-^ (A quick note; the one that she's opening up in this chapter is not that heavy one. . .)

 Also, one of my friends, prettykitty280, was wondering why the hell I had Loke take Lucy, Natsu take whoever, and shit like that? (Whoops…I cursed. Oh well…) WELL. You see. Loke has that protective relationship with Lucy in the anime/manga, ne? And Erza and Gajeel are pretty good friends. And so on. XD So don’t hate me. When I wrote it, I thought it was actually pretty cool. So YEAH.





 ", I guess we're showing you girls to your rooms.....," Jellal said.


 The girls nodded.


 "I'll take her then," Gray said, grabbing the shrimps arm and dragging her out of the room.


 Gajeel felt a twinge of jealousy, but ignored it.


 "I'll take you to your rooms, Aries and Wendy," Jellal said, leading them out.


 Natsu then piped up. "I'll take you, Juvia,".


 He grabbed the girl who had almost fainted, and walked out of the room.


 There was a moment of silence, as the two remaining people looked at each other.

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