Chapter 21 :: Continue

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Chapter 21 :: Continue

        Wendy was the first to attack.

        "Sky Dragon's Roar!"

        A funnel of wind ripped through the air and smashed into Rion, causing the poor girl to be smashed into the wall again, before she could even move. However, her wounds started to regenerate, causing steam to shift through the air.

        "Blue Fire!" Romeo cried out, running in and easily getting Rion, whom had been trying to stagger forward.

        Romeo jumped back and Wendy ran forward to him. Tugging on his shirt, she smiled. "Can we try that attack?"

        There was a look of confusion that crossed his face, but a light bulb eventually went off. Nodding with excitement, the two turned back to the woman, now serious.

        "Shattering Light: Sky Drill!"

        Rion's head snapped up just in time to be slammed by a wind barrier. The force of it made her crash back into the wall and the steam from the regeneration process was slowly lessening.

        "These little ignorant brats - "

        "Sky Dragon's Claw!"

        " - are gonna -"

        "Fire Magic!"

        " - die - "

        Then a combination of their voices cried out. "Unison Raid!"

        " - oh shit. "

        Rion was paralyzed, unable to do anything but stare at the mixture of wind and fire coming right at her. These brats are amateurs . . . how can . . . this doesn't make sense.

        The funnel of complete death smashed into her and she was quickly thrown back into the same wall she had been thrown back into before. They weren't supposed to be able to beat us! We're invincible! Thus, she was able to crash out into the open. Romeo and Wendy looked at the smoking hole, then at each other. A grin broke across their faces and she came together in a hug, completing forgetting their old hatred for each other. Meanwhile . . .

        "Iron Dragon's Roar!"

        "Word Magic: Twister!"

        A swirl of sound, wind, and pieces of sharp metal formed a funnel coming from Gajeel's mouth and a medium sized twister formed in front of Levy.

        The bookworm and the delinquent looked at each other and smashed together their hands. "Unison Raid!"

        The funnel of metal and Levy's twister mixed together and went forward, crashing itself into the Rio, the last one standing from the fight that had started just about three minutes ago. He slid to the ground with a 'thud' and it was quiet as Fairy Tail looked over the four slumped bodies.

        Igneel sweat dropped at the two unison raids he had seen. That's not exactly how a unison raid works . . . Humans are so . . .

        "They . . . were pushovers," muttered Leo, running a hand through his tousled hair.

        Igneel , switching gears, walked over to Roi and knelt down. His fingers went to his neck as if to check his pulse, but instead, he lifted the fallen man's hair and sighed. "It seems as I've found why they're such pushovers."

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