Chapter Twenty-Six:: Mind Games

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Chapter Twenty-Six:: Mind Games

        Ohmygod, thank you guys so much for the 50k reads! <3 and i may have lied to you guys. .-. This is the second to last chapter. XD yay! And this one might be a little bit confusing, but bear with me!

        Lucy dove to the ground, which was just barely enough to save her head. Springing back up, she ran for it, as the wall to her right started to tumble down.

        'Hey, aren't there songs for that phrase?'

        Could she please choke her?

        The blonde had been dodging for what seemed like years and she was slowly running out of places to run. And nerves for Fiore-Lucy to hit, before she burst. She needed to come up with a plan, quick, or she was toast. Nah, scratch that.

        The whole entire parallel universes was toast.

        How long can this old man keep this up?

        'I have no idea and I'm not willing to find out. It is Makarov after all.'

        Yeah . . . Hey, you never told me who he was to you!

        'Lucy, step back!'

        She did as Fiore-Lucy said and one of those dark matter balls slammed into the wall next to her. Not wasting another second on staring, she ran forward. Lucy felt the wall came down right on the back of her heels, but she kept running.

        'And he was my guild master.'

        Guild? Translate, woman!

        'Guilds are groups of wizards basically.'



        Hey, one more thing.

        She jumped over to debris, nearly twisting her ankle in the process. She cursed a little, but continued running for her life.


        What were you trying to say before?

        ' . . . Oh crap! We do have one way - '

        You bitch! Why didn't you mention it before?!

        'Well . . . it involves maybe-dying.'

        Lucy sweat-dropped. They were already as good as dead either way. So why not take the guy down with them?

        'Fine, fine. Remember the extra pill Igneel gave you?'

        You were there?

        'And that's your question?'

        What, you got a better one?

        Lucy could just see her parallel universe twin roll her eyes. If spirits could roll eyes of course.

        'Anyways, remember what he said?'

        Something about not taking the pill unless absolutely necessary?'


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