Chapter Nine: Monster Soul Crossover(Important Filler)

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 Aiya Aiya. Hey guys. I'm really tuckered out from the Thanksgiving special. That was just a whole bunch of crazy. And to think of another book?! ARG. I have so many to finish!~

 And if I do do a sequel for this book, it'll have to be put off until I finish most of my others!~

 So busy....-.-

 Anyways, whose ready for my Christmas and New Years special? And that means...I'll be on hiatus after this chapter! Hiatus on all of my books expect my random and lyrics ones. XD Gomensai you guys!~

 But that's just how I like to do it. I like making you guys wait being cruel...anyways, I have a huge question for you guys!~

 Do you guys like the idea of me writing other anime/manga fanfics?


 Idk, its a weird question. Just wondering. Not only that, I wanna see how many people actually reply.

 Oh, and oi!~ Who wants to make a special appearance in the book? XD I think that'll be hilarious. Oh, I should warn you about today's chap...It's going to be a bit random. With surprise appearances. So yeah. It's just basically a funny filler. Gomensai!~ But it does hold key info.

Anyways, dedicated to: Cryptic_Eyes

 This girl is so awesome! I wouldn't be here, if it hadn't been for her!~



 Lucy didn't do anything, and she hoped that the person who was trying to wake her up, would go away.




 "KYA!~ Don't dare disturb me!" Lucy shouted ticked off, with her eyes still closed.

 "LUCY, wake up!"

 Lucy put her blanket up and over her head.

 "Lucy! Come-"

 "Wait, give me a second. I have a great idea,".

 "...You are not going to do THAT, are you?"


 "But she's going to be ticked off!"

 "And you guys...she is a AB blood type,".


 "Not good..."

 "Wait, what happened to-"

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