Chapter Twenty-Five:: Just Pawns?

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Chapter Twenty-Five:: Just Pawns?

        this . . . vote for this in the animewattyawards and the fairytail_watty awards! BTW, it kind of amazed me about how much you guys shoudl've been asking about the guy, but ya know.

        Lucy's head throbbed - and not for the first time that day. Groaning, she slowly pushed herself up, while trying to get a sense of her surroundings. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she could make out two chairs about fifteen feet in front of her. There were figures sitting in them

        Remembering what had just happened earlier, she quickly realized that she was missing something. Her friends. Her friends had saved her. Where were they? Where were Rogue and Sting? Where was Natsu? Before she could climb to her feet, a bright light came on. Lucy squinted and she could finally see the two people sitting. A young purple-haired woman, looking like she didn't want to be there, and a hooded figure that was most definitely the guy behind all the pain and shit they had all just gone through.

        She struggled to her feet and glared at the man. Yes, she was-numbered. Yes, she was out-powered. But was she going to give up? Never. This fight was for her friends, her brother, Rogue, and most of all, the Laylas. The one from Edolas, Fiore, and her very own mom. They had all died fighting against this cause. Lucy didn't want their deaths to be in vain.

        "Lucy Heartfilia of Earth."

        Lucy jumped at the sound. The voice had sounded harsh, rough, and what scared her the most at the moment - insane. But still, she held her ground.

        The hooded figure rose to his feet and his hood slid off, to reveal a man that was rather familiar to all of them. The blonde could only stare, shocked. She felt betrayed, enraged, and terffied all rolled into one ball of feels. What the hell was going on?

        He shrieked of laughter. "It seems as if you're shocked. Perhaps you were expecting someone else, my pawn? Haha! The brilliance of my procedures is something you cannot even dare to look through, my dear pawn."

        The old man tittered some more, before walking towards Lucy, the insane look fierce in his eyes. P-Pawn?! This isn't him. This can't be him. Absolutely not.

        "Now pawn, perhaps you want to see your friends?"

        Our blonde heroine could only numbly nod and with a flick of his hand, two sets of lights, running down the left and right of her, flipped on. One by one. They revealed every single one of them. Erza. Gray. Wendy. Aries. Jellal. Gajeel. Levy. Juvia. Leo. Romeo. Natsu. Hell, even the cats! And every single one of them were lying on black experimenting chairs, propped up. Strapped down.

        There were wires and other things that had been stabbed into them. And they were taking something out. Judging by all of their cries of pain and grunts, it was most definitely painful.

        Lucy nearly fell to the floor defeated. They had almost gotten away. They had almost gotten out of this hell. They had been so close. They were basically tasting freedom.

        But apparently, it hadn't been enough.

        Nothing that she ever did was enough.

        She turned back to the old man, eyes glossed over. Lucy didn't know what to do anymore. She couldn't fight back. All of her strength and determination before had seeped at upon looking at her friends. Her trapped friends.

        "W-What did you d-do to them?"


        "My friends! " she snapped, anger seeping in.

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