01// Haiiiii

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Hey there!!
I'm Jessica Lynn Hodson. I'm 17...18 in two months. I'm a professional fangirl for the MagCon boys. There's one in particular that stands out to me the most. Cameron Alexander Dallas. He's just so adorable, perfect, cute, sweet, and sexy af. Let's be honest. All the MagCon boys are. I haven't met them...yet. I've always wanted a Cam follow. Most of the other boys follow my fan account. It's pretty swag if you ask me. One day I hope I meet ma boys!! Anyways...I CANNOT WAIT TO GRADUATE!! My best friend Katelyn and I are moving into an apartment by the beach in Malibu. I'm super EXCITED!! I have a YouTube channel and I'm surprised I actually have subscribers 😂👏🏼 anyway gtg byyyyyyyeeeeee

(A/N): so I decided to start a new fanfic! Hopefully y'all will like this one too. And I'll probably update slowly, buuuttttt yeah! Hope you like it ☺️

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