25// MagCon soon

434 14 1

•• Jessica's POV ••

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I quickly turn my alarm off. Ugh.

Alarm clocks are fucking annoying. They wake you from your perfectly good sleep.

They're rude af.

I groan and hop out of bed. Today Delilah and I are shopping for 3 occasions.

1. MagCon yuhhhhhhh
2. Graduation
3. Graduation party at muh house

I like to shop I just don't feel like going today. I feel like pigging out and becoming a fat ass.

** Bing Bing **

Lilahhh <3 :
You better be awake
Bitch we're going
Shopping remember.?

Jess :
Yeah I know...
I'm up even tho
I don't wanna be.

Lilahhh <3 :
Oh come on,
It'll be fun ((;

Jess :
Why do I have
a feeling you're
up to something.?

Lilahhh <3 :
Stop worrying...
I'm not evil...(;

Jess :
Whatever, I'm hoppin
in the shower

** end **

I grab some high waisted black shorts, my 'Take Me To California' shirt, and my white vans. I slip my California case on my phone and head to the bathroom.

I strip and hop in the shower. After showering and all that jazz I get ready.

I decide on blow drying my hair and putting it up in a messy ponytail.

I'm not up for any shit today.

I get dressed and slip on my vans.

I grab my keys, wallet, and whatever I may need and run downstairs.

I open the freezer and take out a toaster strudel. (These things are my shit tbfh)

I pop it in the toaster and wait till its done. I haven't filmed a YouTube video in months...I should probably get on that.

My toaster strudel is ready. I put the icing on it and run out to my car.

I begin eating and decide to text Delilah and let her know I'm on my way.

** To Delilah **

Jess :
I'm on my way

Lilahhh <3 :
Mmk...meet me in

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