03// Q&A w/ Katelyn

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•• Jessica's POV ••



"GETTING IT!!" Katelyn opened the door to get the pizza while I set up the camera.

"Jess, the cheese pizza has arrived." Katelyn smirks.

"Alright, I'm almost done." I sat up the camera and everything we'd need before walking to the kitchen to meet Katelyn.

"So, are we ready for our YouTube video?" Katelyn asks.

"Yep! All we need are the questions!" I smile. I grab a slice of cheese pizza and devour it. Pizza is life.

After we finished most of the pizza we put the rest in the fridge. Then we posted a pic on Instagram telling everyone to comment some questions.

I decided to call my mom and ask her when she'll be home. I walked to my room and shut the door leaving Katelyn downstairs.

"Hey mom, I was just wondering when you'll be home, oh and Katelyn is spending the night."

"I won't be home until Sunday. We're all caught up at work and I'm fine with that. Just don't burn the house down." I could sense her smiling through the phone.

I smiled. "No promises. Love you mom."

"Love you too sweetie." I hung up and ran downstairs.

"My mom won't be back till Sunday! That means you can stay till then. You want to?"

"Hell yeah! When do I ever wanna leave you and go home?" She laughs.

"Awe I don't wanna leave you either." I laugh and hug her.

"Alright, alright, enough with this mushy stuff. Let's start the video!" Katelyn yells.

We walk over to the living room because that's where I set up. I turned on my camera and sat on the stool.

"Hey guys! Jess here and I'm back with a new videoooooo! I also have a very special guest! Welcome my best friend Katelyn Jennings!" I smile as Katelyn runs and jumps on her stool. In the process she ends up falling over.

Well, there goes 2 minutes that I have to edit because it's just us laughing.

"Alright. Ahaha. Now, on with the questions." I say wiping a tear.

"OOH ME FIRST! Ok first question is from @dallasbooty asks 'When did you guys meet'." Katelyn reads off her phone.

"Ok so, we met in second grade and I remember the first time I saw Katelyn I stole her crayon. We started fighting and then it turned into laughter. After that the teacher got mad at us and we've been friends ever since." I finish smiling.

"Excuse me? We've been best friends ever since." Katelyn laughs.

"Yeah, ok. Next question! This is from @sippinongilinsky and she asks 'who is your favorite MagCon boy'?" I smile. I know exactly who I'm gonna say.

"Actually, it's really hard to pick between the boys, but if I had to choose...I'd pick..."

"Hurry up and say it Katelyn!!"

"Alright, alright. It's...JACK GILINSKY!! OH MY GOSH HE IS A BABE!" Katelyn says as she's day dreaming about him.

"Ok, well. My favorite would have to be Cameron. He's just super sweet and ugh! I just wanna meet him so bad!"

"Yeah, we know. Now next question. @matthewplease asks 'why are you both so perfect'?" Katelyn smiles.

"Well, we aren't perfect. We all know that no ones perfect except for the MagCon boys. But thank you for being super sweet." I smile at the camera.

"True that! We aren't perfect. Anyway, Jess I'm tired of this."

"We only did 3 questions. Just a few more."

"Fine. But only a few!" She whines.

**a few questions later**

"Alright, thanks for asking questions, sorry if we didn't answer yours, maybe we'll do it again sometime! Anyways, until next time, I love you guys!! Bye!" I end the video and grab the chip to plug it into my laptop.

"So, wanna watch a movie?" An excited Katelyn asks.

"I don't know. We've already seen the movies we like a million times in a row." I groan.

"BUT, we haven't seen Cameron and Nash's new movie." She smirks.

I totally forgot! Their movie The Outfield comes out tonight at midnight on iTunes. We are so waiting to watch it.


Katelyn just laughs and runs to the kitchen. When she comes back she has snacks and drinks and all our favorite candies.

"I cannot wait until midnight!" I scream to Katelyn as she sits on the couch.

"Me either! It's gonna be awesome! Now come sit down so we can watch expelled!" She smiles.

I quickly grab my laptop and sit down next to Katelyn. We press play on expelled and start watching. I plug the chip into my laptop and start editing. After I'm done I upload it to YouTube.

After a while my eyes start to close. I look at the time, 10:03. I can sleep for a little bit.

I close my eyes and my world turns black.

Hope you liked this chapter. I think this will be a good fanfic but I'm not sure. Do you like it? If not, please tell me. Sorry for any spelling errors or grammar errors.

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