13// Holy Hotness...

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"Hey, now that we have your rooms settled, do you two wanna explore Canada? I can get you an uber driver." She smiles.

"Yeah sure! That would be great! Thank you Aunt Lisa." I smile and hug her.

She mumbles a no problem and goes to the other room to call a uber driver. I walk over to Katelyn's room to see what's up.

"Hey K-" She's asleep. Great. I run to my aunts bathroom and grab some shampoo and a towel.

I put the towel under her head and put some shampoo in my hand. I open the vine app and whisper... "Smack Cam.."

I turn the camera back to Katelyn and slap her face.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!" She screams. I double over on the floor laughing my ass off.

I posted the vine and turned off my phone.

"Why the hell did you do that?!!" She screeches. I could not stop laughing.

"I...I...we...we're...going to...explore...Canada. Soon...s...so...g...get...ready." I say in between laughter.

"You could've woken me up in a nicer way you bitch." Damn. I didn't think it hurt that bad.

"There is no reason to call me a bitch miss. I was simply trying to wake you up." My posh accent failing. We just busted out laughing.

"I think you need to work on your accent." Katelyn laughs.

"Why of course not! My accent is as real as your hair." I say attempting to do the accent again.

"Girl! My hair is dyed and your accent sucks the booty." She laughs.

"What is going on in here?" My aunt says as she looks at Katelyn who has shampoo smeared on her face.

"Umm...we were just finishing getting settled in." I try to hold in my laughter and fail. Soon we were all laughing.

"Well, you need to get cleaned up Katelyn. Your uber driver will be here in 10 minutes." My aunt smiles and leaves the room.

I turn around and look at Katelyn who is glaring at me. Oops.

"You did this to me knowing we had to leave in 10 fucking minutes?!!" She glares.

"I didn't know we were leaving in 10 minutes. Besides, it's just shampoo. It'll take 5 minutes to get off and fix your makeup." I smirk.

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes and walk into the bathroom. I just laugh and wait downstairs.


That must be the uber driver. I run to the front door and open it.

"Hello, my name is Mike and I'll be your uber driver for today." The uber driver says smiling. He seems to be in his 40s or 50s.

You can tell he's about middle aged. He's pretty tall too.

"I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess and my friend will be down in a second so we can leave. Would you like to come in?" I ask opening the door wider.

"Oh no thank you miss. I'll be waiting in the car." He smiles and walks to the car.

I close the door and walk halfway up the stairs before I decide to yell for Katelyn.

"KATELYNNNN THE UBER DRIVER IS HEREEEE!!" Soon I see my brunette best friend walking down the stairs.

She gets to the last step and I pull her arm to the door.

"Let's gooooooooo." I say running out to the car. I decide that Katelyn and I will sit in the back together.

"So, where to ladies?" Mike says looking through the mirror thing. (Brain fart...I totally forgot what it's called...)

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