21// Goodbye Canada )):

404 14 2

•• Jessica's POV ••


I roll over and slap the alarm clock.

Unfortunately I didn't hit the button so it kept ringing.

"Ugh!" I groan and grab the alarm clock shutting it off.

I yawn and stretch. Why am I up so early.

"Oh shit..." I mumble and quickly get ready. Today I leave Canada.

I sigh and walk over to my suitcase. I packed everything yesterday and put the clothes I'm wearing on top.

I grabbed the clothes and got dressed. My outfit consisted of Nike leggings that say 'Just Do It' down the leg.

My top was a 'Pink' maroon hoodie and my maroon Nike Roche shoes.

I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and grabbed my phone, charger, and headphones.

I put them in my black JanSport backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

I grabbed my luggage and ran downstairs and quickly ate the blueberry pancakes my aunt made me.

"Ready to go?" My aunt asks. I nod my head. It's a good thing I didn't wear makeup today.

** buzz buzz **

My phone vibrated so I took it out of my pocket.

** Shawn **

Shawny Poo :
Hey, I'll be 2 mins
can you wait outside
my house??

Jess :
Sure, hurry up
nerd... 😏

Shawny Poo :
Whatever, Loser!

** end **

"Aunt Lisa, can we wait outside Shawn's house for a bit? He said he'd be right out." I ask setting my stuff in the trunk.

"Yeah sure! He better hurry or we'll be late." She says as we park in his driveway.

We sit for about 2 minutes before Shawn comes running out.

I move to the back seat and sit by Shawn.

"I'm gonna miss you Shawny." I frown.

"I'm gonna miss you too Jess." He mimics me. We laugh and we're on our way to the airport.


We arrive at the airport and Shawn helps me grab my luggage out of the trunk.

I thank him and we all walk inside.

I walk over to my aunt and give her a big hug.

"Thank you. For everything." I mumble into her shoulder as a few stray tears fall onto her sweater.

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