18// Snowboarding

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** Jessica's POV **

We're finally ready to go snowboarding. This is gonna be so totally awesome! I can't wait!

I should probably text Shawn and tell him we're ready.

To: Shawny poo

Hey Shawn! We're ready ((:

I hit send and rushed downstairs. It was pretty hard considering I looked like a giant marshmallow.

"Hey Katelyn, hey aunt Lisa." I smiled and sat on the couch.

"Would you girl like me to make omelettes?" Aunt Lisa smiled. We nodded.

** ding ding **

From: Shawny poo

I'm ready too but I gotta eat 😝

To: Shawny poo

Same 🙈

I hit send and hopped up and walked to the table. I could already smell the omelette being cooked.

"Omelettes are ready!" My aunt said. Katelyn and I stood up and grabbed a plate.

Aunt Lisa out the omelettes on our plates and we devoured them. They were delicious.

Well, mine was. Omelettes are my favorite! Well, not my favorite, but I like'm a lot! Haha like on dumb and dumber...I like it, I like it a lot!

I love that movie. It's so stupid that it's funny. I laughed to myself.

"What's so funny?" Katelyn glared. Damn. Didn't know laughing bothered her.

"Nothing I was just thinking." I laugh again. She laughs and shakes her head. I swear she's bipolar.

** ding ding **

From: Shawny poo

Hey you guys ready?

From: Shawny poo

I'm driving btw

I laugh at the text he sent me and quickly ask Katelyn if she's ready. She nods and I text Shawn back.

To: Shawny poo

We is ready boiiiiiiii

I laugh at myself for sending him such a ridiculous text. How does anyone deal with all this?

"Come on Katelyn, Shawn's ready!" I grab Katelyn's wrist.

"Love you Aunt Lisa, see ya later!" I waved as we walked out the front door.

We turned around and jumped because Shawn was standing right there.

"Oh my gosh. Don't scare us like that!" I yell hitting Shawn's shoulder. He rubs his shoulder.

"First off, ouch. Second, I was just about to come get you two! Now let's goooooooo!!" He runs to his car making an airplane with his arms.

Katelyn and I burst into laughter but follow behind. This must be a weird sight.

Three teenagers acting like airplanes. Wow, we are so lame.

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