10// Taking a break...

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Dammit. I forgot to turn the alarm off.

"Katelynnnnnnn. Turn it off!"

"It's your damn alarm clock, you turn it off." Ugh. Why are we both stubborn.

"But I don't wanna get up. It's on your side."

"I don't give a fuck. I'm not turning it off." Damn. She's a grouch today.

"Ugh fine. I'll do it." I mumble.

Note to self...don't wake Katelyn up early

I walked over to her side of the bed and turned the alarm off.

"Do you want breakfast or are you gonna sleep?" I asked while yawning.

"I just wanna sleep. Bye." Geez. What's up her ass?

I walked downstairs and started fixing myself some cereal. What to have today? Ah! Cinnamon Toast Crunch...yum.

I sat down at the table and started eating in silence. I started thinking. Maybe I should take a break.

A break from Instagram, Twitter, everything. I need to go on vacation. Maybe I can convince my mom to let me miss a week of school.

I could bring Katelyn with me. Her sisters could just stay with her aunt. I wanna go to Canada...or New York.

"What are you thinking about." The sudden sound of a voice made me jump. I look over and see that it's my mom.

"Oh, you scared me. I was just thinking about taking a break. From everything."

"What do you mean...from everything?" She questions. Why do parents ask so many questions?

"A break from school, social media, here." I put my head down trying to avoid any possible eye contact.

"Here? Why, is something wrong?" I keep my head down, debating on whether or not to tell her.

"K..Kate.." The words just seem to be stuck. I can't say it. What will she think...what will she do?

"Kate? Who's Kate?" Oh dear. Here goes nothin'. I look up at my mom meeting her eyes.

"Katelyn's mom died...and now her dad beats then when he's drunk." I had tears streaming down my face. That's not the whole reason I need a break.

"There's more isn't there?" Why do moms have to know everything? Ugh.

"School is boring and I can barely pay attention...I've been under a lot of stress with helping Katelyn and trying to get good grades. It's just hard. I just need a break." By now I couldn't stop the tears. Why am I so emotional lately..?

"Alright, I'll try and get you a ticket to Canada. I'm sure your aunt wouldn't mind you staying with her for a week." She smiles. Oh shit. Katelyn.

"Can Katelyn possibly come?" I give her my best puppy dog eyes.

"We'll see. It depends on how much the tickets cost." She smiles and walks back upstairs.

By now I'm finished with my cereal so I put my bowl in the sink and sit on the couch. What to watch, what to watch?

I decide to watch friends on Netflix, even though I've seen all the episodes. I decide to start on season 1.

This show is my shit.

"Watcha watching?" Katelyn jumps on the couch and smiles.

"Only the best show in the world!" I smile.

"Teen wolf?" She smirks.

"No..friends you dummy." I glare at her.

She laughs and sits back.

"You know my mom said we might be able to go to Canada for a week. Just me and you." I smile.

She sighs. "What about my sisters?"

"My mom can watch them. Really, it's no big deal."

"I don't know..." She sighs again. I groan.

"Come on! Just say yes. Your sisters will be fine!" I say dramatically and fall back on the couch.

She laughs. "Alright fine. Only if the tickets are cheap though." I cheer and we sit down and keep watching friends.

"Mommmmm! Did you find out yet?" She's taking forever to find out how much the tickets cost.

"Yes Jess, they're the perfect amount," she smiles. "They're only $100. You and Katelyn are going to Canada to see aunt Lisa." She runs and hugs me.

This is why I love my mom. She's always there for me.

"Thank you so much mom." I say as tears stream down my face. Tears of joy.

"Yeah, thank you Momma H." Katelyn says and joins the hug.

"When do we leave?" I question.

"You leave tomorrow morning, so you better get packing." She smiles and let's go of the hug.

I smile and Katelyn and I run upstairs to go pack.

Canada will be fun.

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