08// Where were you?

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The hell hole we all have to go to. We don't even have a choice. Maybe I wanna be dumb. (I really don't but still)

They should at least make learning fun. I just wanna stab my eyes out.

Classes with people that don't like you and you don't like them. Having to put up with all the shitty drama.

School is hell.

Today is the absolute worst. I'm sitting in class alone with all these idiots.

Katelyn isn't here today. I hate my life. Ugh.

I decided to text her for the five millionth time to see where she is.

Jess: Hey, where are you?

No answer.

Jess: Are you ok?

Jess: Katelyn...you have me worried.

Jess: Answer the damn phone.

Ugh. Why isn't she answering. Did I do something.

I'm trying to think if I did something to offend her...no. But! She did have to have a family meeting.

I wonder what it was about. I'll ask her.

The bell rang and I immediately hopped out of my seat and ran to the car.

I drove to my house and ran to my room. I plugged in my phone before it died and went to my messages.

Still no answer. I decided to tell her I'm going to her house.

Jess: I'm coming over. Be there in five.

Katelyn: K.

She hasn't answered all day and all she says is 'k'. Something is wrong.

I run back downstairs and to my car. I hop in and start driving towards her house.

I finally got there after five minutes and perked in her driveway.

I found her sitting in front of her door. Once she saw me she stood up so fast it scared me.

"Katelyn...are you ok?"

"Yes, but we need to talk." She sulks.

"Alright talk."

"No. Not here. Let's go to the park." She grabs my arm and starts pulling me away from her house.

She's really worrying me. "Katelyn why don't we just go inside? What's going on?"

"I told you. Not here." She says through gritted teeth. "Now let's go."

"Fine." I give up and follow her to the park. We sit in the bench and she immediately starts crying.

I quickly pull her into a hug. I don't know what's going on, but it must be serious. She doesn't really cry.

"Hey, hey...it'll be ok. Now, are you ok with telling me what's going on?" She nods her head and pulls out of the hug.

She wipes her eyes and slowly gets her breathing under control.

"When I got home yesterday my dad was sitting on the couch with my family. My mom wasn't there. I got scared but I didn't say anything. My dad told me to sit down a...and I did. He t..told me th...that my mom w...was gone. I didn't know what he meant at first, but then I knew. Sh...she died. She's gone. Forever. Now my dad has been drinking and he hasn't been taking care of us. We've been doing everything ourselves. I...I can't h...handle all this p...pressure. I just....I can't." She says and starts sobbing.

I grab her and pull her into my arms. My heart aches for her. What if her dad beats her and her sisters.

I have to ask. I just have to.

"Katelyn. I have to ask this...and you need to tell me the truth. Okay?"

She pulls away and nods. "Wh..what is it?"

"Does your dad....does he beat you? All of you?" She looks down and that's when I knew.

I knew that he does. This is serious.

"Katelyn, we have to tell the police." She immediately looks at me with a worried face.

"No! No I can't. I'm not even supposed to tell you any of this. He's gonna kill me." She starts panicking and pacing back and forth.

"Katelyn calm down. Katelyn. KATELYN! CALM DOWN. It's gonna be ok. It's going to be okay. I'm here for you. We have to tell somebody. He can't keep doing this. How about you spend the night at my house and we figure something out?"

"What about my sisters? I can't leave them here with him. Wh...what do I do?" The tears keep streaming down her face.

At this time my heart aches for my best friend. When my dad left it was nothing like this. I feel so bad.

"Take them with us. I'm sure my mom would love it." I smile. It was fake.

I can't help but feel so bad. This is terrible. No one deserves this, especially not Katelyn.

"O...ok. Let me go get our stuff. I'll be right back." She starts walking back towards her house.

Tears well up in my eyes and they just start falling. I don't make a noise, the tears just fall. She doesn't deserve this.

Her sisters are so young and their father is not being a father. They're going to have nightmares.

They're never gonna have a good father figure in their life. This isn't right. I understand it's sad, but that's terrible.

I can't believe he's do that. I've known him for so long. I never would've thought he'd do this.

I slowly start to walk back towards her house because that's where my car is. I think of everything that's happened.

My dad left, her mom died, Cameron and Nash tweeted me, Nash followed me, I'm always distracted, I'm always crying. I'm always crying.

I need to just get away from social media and school. Once I graduate it'll all be over.

I should tell my Instagram followers I'm giving up. It's no use. I'm always stressed and I'm always distracted with my fan account.

Maybe I'll just log off for a while. That sounds good. Then I can find more time to spend with Katelyn and her family.

I need to spend time with my mom too. I feel like I'm pushing everyone away by trying to get a cam follow.

Maybe I'll try one more time before I stop for a while. Before I knew it I was at her house.

I hopped in my car and waited for her to come out. Soon I saw my blonde friend and her two little sisters trailing behind her.

They hopped in the car and we were off to my house. I forgot to tell my mom about this. Hopefully she won't be mad.

A lot is going on in this story as of right now. Lol, please tell me if you like it. Next chapter might be long...or short idk. Byeeeeeee

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