20// Broken

453 14 4

•• Jessica's POV ••

She's gone.

She actually left.

I feel empty inside.

My best friend left because of me.

Thank god my aunt is at work because I'm laying on the floor balling my eyes out.

How could she just leave like that?

She left me all alone.

Was I really replacing her with Shawn?

No. I would never do that. Maybe she just felt left out.

Why didn't she tell me?

I could've spent more time with her.

I continue drying when I hear the doorbell ring.


There's no way I'm opening the door like this. I'm a mess.


"Jess open the door! I know you're in there." I can tell its Shawn yelling through the door.

I'm still going to ignore him and drown in my tears. I deserve it. I'm a terrible friend.

"Jess come on! I can hear you crying." Shawn yells once again.

"Leave me alone!!" I yell now frustrated as to why she would leave without an explanation and why Shawn showed up when no one asked him to.

"No! I'm not leaving until you open the door." He says softer than before.

I groan and roll my eyes. Anger now flushing through me. Why the hell did she leave?

I mean she said she was going too I just didn't think she'd do it.

I picked up a vase and threw it on the floor. My anger suddenly fading.

That felt good.

I need to let my anger out more often.


I walk over to the door and open it revealing a worried Shawn.

He engulfs me in a hug and suddenly I'm not mad anymore.

I'm just confused and sad. I lost my best friend.

"Why are you crying?" Shawn interrupts my thoughts.

I sniffle and sigh. Should I tell him? I mean I can trust him.

"How about we sit on the couch and talk about it? I could make you a cup of coffee." He suggests.

I start to smile and nod in his chest. Thank the lord for Shawn Mendes.

I go sit on the couch and wipe off my tears as Shawn closes the door and makes coffee.

"Do you like cream and sugar in your coffee?" He asks sweetly.

I nod and grab a blanket out of the cupboard by the couch.

I snuggle up in my blanket because it is freezing! Shawn comes back with the coffee and hands me a cup.

"Thank you Shawn." I smile. He nods and we both take a sip of our coffee.

"Wait, not to be rude, but how did you know to come here and that I was crying?" Ik totally confused as to how he came at the right time.

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