06// Mommas home

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(Jessica's mom looks like Sandra Bullock...ok? Ok.)


My mom comes back in 2 hours and my nap turned into sleep. I slept wayyy too long.

I hurry and get up to go find the cleaning supplies. Eh, I'll probably just clean the bathrooms and the kitchen.

I don't feel like doing anything else. I got some wipes and wiped down the bathroom. It's so boring without music. Ugh.

I grabbed my speaker and connected my phone through Bluetooth. Stitches by Shawn Mendes came on and i started jamming out.

I grabbed the wipes and danced out to the kitchen. I wiped down the counters and now my phone was playing Low by Flo Rida (ft. T pain).

I haven't heard this song in FOREVER! I started dancing along to the song and sung along.

Once I was done I put my hair in a messy bun and realized I was I the same outfit as yesterday. Ugh.

I ran to my room and grabbed some comfy clothes. My adidas soccer pants and a Cameron Dallas sweatshirt.

I got in the bathroom and turned the shower in between hot and freezing. The shower is still gonna feel like lava though.

I plugged in my phone and grabbed my speaker. Stay with me by Sam Smith came on.

His voice is heavenly. I did all my business and hopped out. I put on my clothes and started blow drying my hair.

I decided to straighten it and so I did. I grabbed my make up and put some on. I walked back in my room and checked the time.


I better go pick up my mom from the airport now. I grabbed my black nike slides and my phone and ran downstairs.

I grabbed an apple because I'm starving and my car keys. I ran out the door and hopped in my beautiful mustang.

I absolutely LOVE my car. The only reason I have it is because my mom got a lot of money when my parents got divorced.

Anyway, I plugged in my phone and Drag me down by One Direction came on. This song is so good!

I'm a 1D fan at heart. MagCon is better though.

I arrived at the airport and went in to the baggage claim area waiting for my mom.

She went on a business trip. She wasn't supposed to be gone this long though.

I grabbed my phone and made a Mattchu edit for my fan page. I tagged him in it and hoped that he would see it.

I looked up from my phone and saw my mom with her luggage.

I ran up to her and hugged her so tight we fell to the floor. My mom and I have had a very close relationship ever since my dad left.

She means so much to me and I honestly feel bad that my dad left her. She's wonderful.

"I missed you so much mom!" I cried.

"I missed you too. I was only gone for three days though." She laughs.

"I don't care. It was pretty lonely without you there. Except for when I had Katelyn over." I stood up and hugged my mom properly.

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