07// Back to school...

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It's Monday. The worst day of the week. Sadly, it's not winter break so, I have school.

I got up and took a shower. I knew I would be extra lazy this morning so I picked out my outfit yesterday.

Here in Texas we've had a sudden heat spell...two weeks before Christmas. Fml.

It's December and it's 80 fucking degrees. Not cool bro...not cool.

I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body. I looked in the mirror and I swear I look like a zombie.

Nothing makeup can't fix, right? Right.

I grabbed my blow dryer and blow dried my hair. I decided to just leave it frizzy and just put it in a messy bun.

I walked out of my bathroom and started to get ready. I slipped on my dark wash jeans and my gray crop top that says DON'T go with the flow.

I love this shirt.

I grabbed my black sandals and slipped them on. I quickly grabbed my black bracelet and backpack before running to put on my makeup.

I don't have much time. I decided to go with the natural look because that was easiest. I grabbed my sunglasses and ran downstairs.

"You better hurry or you're gonna be late. I grabbed you some Starbucks and a croissant. Now go!" My mom yells.

"Thanks mama bear, love you!" I yell while grabbing my Starbucks and heading out the door.

She says a quick 'I love you' before I shut the door. I hop in my car and start on my way to school.

I arrived at school and hopped out. Ugh. I don't wanna be here.

I walked in and went straight to my locker. I saw Katelyn standing by it, knowing she'll freak out because I was almost late.

"There you are! You know you're almost late?" She freaks.

"Yeah I know, it's no big deal. I would've just had lunch detention."

"Hurry up and get your stuff so we can get to class!" She says freaking out. She hates being late.

I quickly grab my stuff and we walk to math. My day is off to a boring start.

We walked in and went to our usual seats in the back of the room. Luckily the teacher doesn't pay attention so, I'm on my phone the whole time.

I sat down and got my phone out, along with my headphones. The bell rang and soon all my annoying classmates filled the room.

I plugged in my headphones and unlocked my phone. I went to the pandora app and clicked on a random station.

Soon Hide Away by Daya started playing through the headphones. I love this song.

I went to my editing apps and started making a new edit. I finally finished and captioned it: ~ I wish Cameron Dallas was my boyfriend ~ ✖️ @camerondallas

I then tagged him in the picture and got a notification from Twitter. '@camerondallas : Be different, it's attractive.

He already had over 1,000 retweets and favorites. They're considered 'likes' now, but I still say favorites.

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