26// Houston...here we come

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**picture above is Delilah ((:**
•• Delilah's POV ••

Today's the day!!

Today we pack for Houston and MagCon!

I quickly hop out of my bed and run to the bathroom.

I grab a ponytail and put my hair in a messy bun.

I slip on a sports bra and a pair of my Nike pros.

Time to begin packing...

Maybe I should text Jess and she if I can go over to her house.

I sure as hell don't wanna pack here.

To My bitchhh:
Heyyy! Can I come over and pack w/ you? I don't wanna pack here )):
** message sent **

While I'm waiting, I might as well get some stuff together.

I plug my phone into my iHome and play some music.

As long as you love me by Justin Bieber (acoustic version) was the first song to play.

I grabbed a bunch of clothes and a suitcase and started stuffing all sorts of stuff in the bag.

I also grabbed my baby blue JanSport backpack for the car ride.

I quickly shoved everything in the giant suitcase and unplugged my phone.

iMessage from 'My Bitchhh'

From My Bitchhh :
Umm...DUH! Don't even knock, the door is unlocked! And I'm gonna need some MAJOR help 😁😭

To My Bitchhh :
I gotchu fam 🙌🏼
** read at 9:25am **

She didn't reply so I just grabbed all my stuff and ran downstairs.


I actually fell down the stairs because my suitcase was so damn heavy.

I stood up and dusted myself off.

I picked up my suitcase and walked to the door grabbing my keys.

I went out and put everything is need in my car and went back inside.

I grabbed a sticky note from one of the drawers in my kitchen and a pen.

Mom, I went to Jess' house. I'll see you next week! Love, Lilah ❤️

I put the sticky note on the fridge and put the sticky notes and pen back.

My mom is probably at work so she'll see that when she gets home.

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