Chapter 2

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Ally's Pov.

Yesterday one of the girls from the orphanage got adopted and I have to admit I was a little jealous of her for getting out of this hell hole. Of course the man who adopted her just had to choose her. You could say I'm a little more then jealous right now, but who wouldn't be in my situation.

She was the same age as me and got adopted. 15 year old's rarely ever get adopted and of course it just had to be her. I think her name was Abbie even though I'm jealous of her I still wish her the best of luck with her new family. I would hate for her to have her come back here after getting away from this place.

I was about to start up my homework when I heard a loud yell.

" Girls get ready we have another visitor looking to adopt one of you!"Mrs.Cheryl screamed up from downstairs.

I smiled small and got up from my bed and headed over to my drawers. I slipped on my stars wars jumper and my favorite pair of skinny jeans along with my favorite pair of shoes. I left my hair down and quickly brushed through it before heading downstairs.

When I finally made it downstairs I was greeted of the sight of a man with short brown hair and nice hazel eyes talking to Mrs.Cheryl. He didn't seem that much older then me but he looked to be around 20.

I smiled and sat down on the couch next to a few other girls who could be potentially adopted by this man. I doubt he'll adopt me. He's probably looking for a girl a little younger then myself. I jumped when I heard someone clear their throat. 

I looked up and I was surprised as to who was standing above me. It was the man with the memorable hazel eyes. He smiled down at me and I couldn't help but smile back at him, he just had one of those smiles.

"Hi I'm Connor and you are?"He asked as he sat down next to me.

"Alexandra but please call me Ally."I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear, its a nervous habit of mine fiddling with my hair just seems to calm me down some.

" Well Ally you seem like a nice girl, what do you say would you like to be adopted by me?"He asked with a smile and my jaw dropped.

This guy actually wanted to adopt me. Out of all the girls in this place he chose me? Me of all people? You could say I was a little more then shocked. My mouth was still hung open when I nodded and smiled at him. He grinned widely at me and pulled me into a warm hug, which I immediately loved. I hugged him back and smiled as he pulled away.

"Go pack your things, I'll sign the papers."He smiled and got up and ruffled my hair much to my annoyance before heading back over to Mrs.Cheryl. 

I got up from the couch and gladly made my way upstairs and into my tiny bedroom. I started packing my things into a suitcase and gym bag. I was about half way done when Connor came into my room and smiled widely at me.

" I hope you don't mind but your name is now Ally Franta."He grinned at me and I smiled so big my cheeks started to hurt.

He helped me finish up packing and grabbed both of my bags for me and we headed downstairs.

"Bye Mrs.Cheryl!"I waved and she waved and said goodbye as Connor and I were leaving the house.

I couldn't be happier now. After 15 years in that house I finally have someone to call my family. Connor is my family now and I couldn't be happier right now.

"Ready to go home?"Connor asked as he and I got into the car.

"More then ready."I smiled as he started up the car and headed down the road.

I took one last look at the house, the only house I've lived in and smiled and waved. Even though there weren't only good memories there I'll still miss it. It was my home for so long but now I have a new home and I'm excited to see whats in store for me. 

Authors Note: Hey its Teagan, just wanted to thank whoever is reading this and if no one is reading this hopefully someone will soon. Please comment and vote and don't forget to tell us how you're liking to story. Oh and Kelsey wrote the last chapter, I wrote this one. Thanks to who ever is reading this Kelsey and I both love you.

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