Chapter 21

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Ally's Pov.
The next morning when I woke up I was greeted by the fond memories of mine and Abbie's date last night.

Abbie wasn't in my room when I looked beside me on my bed. I saw a small note on her pillow and smiled as I saw it contained her hand writing.

Sorry I had to leave before you woke up. My Dad called and said I had to head home. Text me later. ~A :)

I smiled and checked my phone once I was off of my bed. I saw a few twitter notifications but smiled as I saw there was a text from Collins.

(C= Collins and A= Ally)

C;Morning Babe.

A; Morning Collins I had a great time last night. Sorry for stealing your coat.

C;Its fine I have plenty. Why don't you keep it?

A; You won't see me saying no. ;)

C;Lol. What're your plans today!

A; Don't have any. What do you have planned?

C; I was thinking of taking you out.

A; I'm not complaining. Pick me up in an hour?

C; Sure thing see you then Darling.

I smiled and locked my phone before heading into the bathroom and taking a quick shower. I dried my hair and put it in a nice bun before painting my nails a nice red and doing my makeup. Once the nail polish was dry I put on my infinity sign ring and picked out my outfit. I slipped on a nice black skirt with matching black sandals and a nice black crop top with neat cursive writing on it.

Just as I was grabbing my phone I heard the doorbell ring and headed downstairs in a rush. But sadly Dad and the boys beat me to the door. Oh great I'm going to get interrogated.

"You didn't tell us you had another Date."Ricky smirked.

"Well I do and I'll see you later."I smiled and grabbed Collins hand before running out of my house and into his car.

We drove away and smiled as we got away from the boys without being questioned like we were witnesses to a homicide. Collins reached over the console and intertwined his free hand with mine and rested it against his knee. I smiled at the small gesture and he grinned at me before turning his attention back to the road.

"You look lovely, Love."Collins complimented and a blush instantly took over my face.

"Thank you. You look very handsome."I said looking him up and down once.

He did look very handsome today he was wearing a dark blue v neck and some nice blue jeans and I could see his black converse as well. He always looks so effortlessly hot. 

"Where are we going?"I asked as I didn't recognize the part of town that we're in.

"I'm taking you somewhere special."He smirked. I thought he was going to add something to his sentence but he never did. 

The rest of the car ride was filled with a comfortable silence. But even though we weren't talking I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my face. Being around Collins just makes me 10 times happier and I don't even know why. Wait! I know exactly the reason. I'm falling for Collins and I'm falling hard.

Just as I came to the conclusion that I like Collins he pulled into a parking lot and killed the egine of his car. He smiled at me before exiting the car and heading over to my side and helped me out. I thanked him and kissed him on the cheek.

He took my hand in his and lead me across the sandy beach.

"I always loved coming to this beach in particular, my Granddad used to take me here all the time. I usually come here to think and get things off my mind but I wanted to show you this place."Collins smiled as he randomly stopped and grabbed both my hands in his and smiled widely at me.

"That's so sweet."I grinned and pecked his lips.

"I brought you here for a reason Ally."He smiled nervously and I nodded.

"What is it Collins?"I asked and he grinned widely at me.

"I really like you and can see a future with you. Will you be my girlfriend?"He asked with a smile and I nodded with tears in my eyes.

"Of course I will!"I smiled and jumped into his arms and kissed him.

As of this moment I couldn't be happier.

Authors Note: Hey its Teagan sorry for not updating for a few days. My power was out for a few days and I didn't have internet access sorry about that. Hope you're enjoying the book and please don't be a silent reader. I love you!

Adopted by Who? (SDK and O2L Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang