Chapter 24

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Abbie's +POV+

After Ally left I decided to pull out my phone and text Devan.

(D-Devan M-Me)

M- Hey Devan

D- Hey Abbie

M- I'm sorry about last night it's just that my ex wouldn't leave me alone

D- Its ok I understand

M- Devan I really like you

D- Abbie I really like you to so will you be my girlfriend

M- Omfg of course I love you Devan and is it ok if I tell my dad and the other boys

D- I love you to and yes you can Abbie can you meet me at the park

M- Thank you and yes

D- I love you bye

M- I love you to bye

I put my phone away and got dressed. I put on my grey and neon yellow pink long sleeve shirt, a pair of my black ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of my black combat boots. After getting dressed I headed downstairs.

"Hey SDK fam I need you!!!" I yelled. All of the boys rushed downstairs to see what was wrong.

"Yes Abbie." Jonah said.

"I'm dating Devan I gotta go now bye." I said as fast as possible and walking towards the front door.

"Wait hold on, what did you say?" Dad asked grabbing my wrist.

"I'm dating Devan and I gotta go." I said Walking towards the door.

"Ok be safe and we love you." Adam said. I walk out the front door waving to the boys and headed towards the park. When I got to the park I saw Devan sitting by the tree where he had kissed me on our double date with Ally and Collins. He didn't see me so I went behind him and covered his eyes with my hands.

"Hey stranger were you expecting me?" I asked uncovering his eyes.

"I was expecting you love." Devan said before kissing me.

"Is this another date?" I asked.

"Yeah and I wanted to have a picnic." Devan said answering my question.

"What food did you bring today?" I asked.

"Only your favorite Taco Bell and Arizona." Devan said smiling and grabbing the food out from behind the tree.

"Awe thanks babe." I said hugging him and then grabbing my food and Arizona. We started to eat and then after awhile we were done with our food but we still had our Arizonas.

"Let's go for a walk around town." I suggested.

"Ok let's go." Devan said standing up. I stood up a we started to walk. Devan reached down and intertwined our fingers. We were walking and we stopped to look around us. I instantly recognized these surroundings.

"Omfg it's the hell hole I lived in before the SDK fam adopted me." I said pointing at the building in front of us.

Adopted by Who? (SDK and O2L Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now