Chapter 36

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Abbie's +POV+

After getting our driver's licenses we got home and to be surprised by the house all decorated for mine and Ally's birthdays. We got a bunch of presents and our last present was our own cars. The SDK guys got me a black mustang with green stripes. The O2L guys got Ally a dark blue Camaro. I was so happy that I got my own car now I can take Devan out whenever and we don't have to walk every time.
"Omg thanks guys!!!" Ally and I yelled at the same time to our families.

"We love you Abbie and we would do anything to keep you with us." Dad said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you guys too and I'll never leave you gouys because you guys are and always will be my family." I said crying.

"Hey what's wrong babe?" Devan asked.

"The thought of having a family, a boyfriend, and even my best friend with me makes me happy." I said walking over to my best friend Ally.

"That's why we adopted you so you can have an amazing and permanent family." The SDK guys said starting a group hug.

"Dad can Devan and Ally stay and possibly Collins if the O2L guys say?" I asked now only hugging my dad.

"It's my baby girl's birthday so why not." He answered.

"Thanks dad I love you and Devan I wanna stay with you all night." I said before walking inside the house.

"Hey dad can Collins and I stay the night with Abbie and Devan tonight please?" Ally asked while walking inside with Collins and Connor.

"Yeah no problem but don't the boys have to ask their parents?" Connor asked.

"We don't live with our parents we only live with each other." Devan and Collins said at the same time.

"Oh ok." Connor said.

"Well time to order pizza and buy some Arizonas." Kian said.

"Ok Ally, Collins, Devan,and I will go get the Arizonas." I said.

"Ok you and Devan can ride in your car and Collins and I will ride in my car." Ally said.

"Ok dad can we get some money please?" I asked.

"Yeah here's my card and the pin code is 1099." Dad said handing me his card.

"That's the month and the year I was born." I said.

"That's why I changed it." Dad said before we walked out of the house and got in our cars and left.

A/N: It's Kelsey and Teagan and I are really sorry about the update we promise to update every chance we get. We love you guys and hope that you guys like our stories. Btw now.

Adopted by Who? (SDK and O2L Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now